*****North State Dry Fly remains active! CHILE 2007 GO TO www.jacktrout.com/futa.html
McCloud, Upper Sac, Lower Sac and Trinity all fly fishing great!STEELHEAD SIGN-UPS FOR OCT, NOV, AND DEC START NOW, DON’T MISS OUT ON THE BEST STEELHEAD YEAR IN AGES*****
The blackberries are here folks, it’s a real DREW BERRYMORE kinda day! (What a babe, I had a crush on her ever since she starred in E.T. We’re like the same age. Phone home, phone home Drew)! It always compliments the trip when I have a handful of berries, a good insect hatch and visible trout like we’ve been seeing the last two weeks! Life is great Sizzlers, this has to be the best August fishing I’ve ever seen and with steelhead right around the corner, there’ll be no hibernating this fall!
This past week on all parts of the McCloud River, fly fishermen were living large! Walking along the banks of the river keeping a keen eye for movement or flashes that might indicate a feeding trout is near! Spotting a trout in the McCloud River is always an exciting endeavor, one that makes the heart race with adrenaline. Even after all these years guiding
I still act like it’s my first day out when I show a trout off to one of our customers.
Noah arrived first and wanted to go out and see if we could catch any trout? He asked, “Since it’s the middle of the morning won’t the trout stop feeding until the afternoon?” On a normal year I would say yes, but having so much water in the spring has affected the rivers in the north state in a good way. The trout up here are hungrier than ever, the water levels are perfect for August and the heat has left us now and the temps are ideal for anything relating to the river. (Even under-water basket weaving)! (Who thought of under-water basket weaving)?
We saw trout up to 3 or 4 lbs right in front of us, I adjusted the indicator down so the flies would be at the right level. I told Noah to hold off from casting for a moment, to make sure the trout was looking down and not up. If I could entice him up with a dry fly instead of a nymph, that would be my first choice. I’ll change the rig in a second to see the trout hit on the surface, but the sun was too direct and I could see he was eating bugs underwater. So Noah made his cast and the biggest trout ate his fly and took off so fast he broke the rig off in a single burst!!!
Noah then tried his luck again and hooked into this lovely trout and thought to himself,
Now this is a special place on earth!
Noah took his victory dive and judges scored 9.9!
Chris Sizzler! Out trying his new Diamondback rod he bought at the Wine and Spirits Fly Shop! “The people’s Fly Shop!” If we don’t have the fly fishing gear you need for your trip, we certainly have the right alcohol! (As always Chris thanks for making me feel so welcomed! jt)
Jim, thanks from all of us for putting this all together!! From the entire gang!!!
The food was marvelous!! Big thanks goes out to Scott and all the help for making this a great event! See you all in November!!

Oh those ribs! Atkins approved….
That night the spirits ran high, and so did the fish stories! As always the dinner was superb, and the next morning folks were moving slow…. Mark Twain once said, “Even the dumbest dog knows to stretch in the morning”! I don’t know why but this quote seemed appropriate to me for this group…..
Baby Unicorn!
Mike, Tom and Jim! Ready for action.
Tom, out on a famous rock catching trout on dry flies!
Nice hook-up Tom
Jim with several hook-ups his first time fly fishing! He’s hooked folks!

When the Kelly family showed up the trout stood up and saluted!
Out catching trout with pops near, what could be better!
Nice trout Claire!
This is a great time of year to visit the Mt Shasta/ McCloud area and learn the art of fly fishing!
We guarantee you catch trout, Robert sure did!!
The trout have hemi’s in their engines!!
Tom Mulvihill is a teacher in Edgewood, he always wanted to learn fly fishing so his wife bought him a one day gift certificate and I took him on the Trinity River and he caught over 30 trout!
Way to go Tom, not a bad first day!
Over on the Lower Sac things are really heating up! The trout fishing has been excellent and it seems like every customer is catching at least 10 trout per trip! On this day the Trimm Brothers visited me, it’s always a good thing when you out getting a little Trimm!
(That’s what the girls tell me)!
Adam Trimm hooked up immediately and kept trout on all day!!
Nice Lower Sac Trout! Most of the trout in this river average at about 16″‘s.
Brother Aaron on stage ladies and gentlemen!
Great trout make great memories!
Then a bigger trout hit and Adam was in for a battle! It took everything he had to land this hummer. Brother Aaron wanted to net the beast for Brother Adam!
Brother Adam, Nice trout!! I had a great time with you two see you in the fall Trimm Brothers!! jt
Willimena!! I love my drift boat Willimena, we hope to see you this fall and winter!*****
You have a great life. I enjoy seeing your pictures. You have
convinced me I need to go on a tour . My mom has wanted to go rafting
so I am going to take her next June for her Birthday. I would like
you to be our guide. Please email me with the cost and details of
what I need to do .
Hope to here from you!
Hi Jack, Thanks for thinking of me. This is my favorite river in the whole wide world. You were just getting your troops to the river Sat about 5pm when I was coming off. I think that was you parked in the shade of the tree at the top of that steep steep trail going down. Hope you had as good luck as I did. The drys were really hitting about 5pm on, as you are obviously aware. Hope to some day fish with you. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I am currently in AZ basking under the 102+ muggy weather.
Al Heitz
I’m heading to the Skeena River in BC for steelhead tomorrow. Should be epic and I’ll forward some photos when I get back.
Don’t miss the Mars Volta who is opening for The Red Hots next week. I’ve seen them 3 times and they will blow your mind!!!
Hey Jack,
Just wanted to say another thank you for the awesome adventure.
Send the pics when you get a chance!
Valerie and Jim Buck
Jack, it was great fishing with you bro. Let’s hook up in the Fall for a steelhead trip on the Trinity. Tell me when it’s best and I am there.
Caine Moss
Ok . . . ya got me.
I appreciate the additional emails you sent.
Shows me you are interested in your clients.
Shows me you make the extra effort.
How does the 17th, 18th and 19th of October look?
I’d like at least two days on the steelies, the other day can be something else. I’ll leave it up to you.
Remember . . . I really DO like to wade.
I’ll stay at the Indian Creek Lodge (thanks for the heads up on that).
Also, could you give me a heads up on what color patterns will work best.
Thank you, Jim Gorman
This week I was up to Shady Cove and the Rogue Valley selling steelhead flies and nymphs. On my return drive home I saw the second fly fishing bill board on I-5. It was for “Jack Trout Guide Service”. I have always admired your marketing savy and I just had to congradulate you on another marketing coup. Have you had any other responses to it? I do enjoy your e-mail newsletter and I have referred it to a number of people as an example of “excellence in marketing”. I look forward to your next marketing endeavor.
Denis Pierce