When I thought back about these past two weeks and all the great adventures and the awesome high-lights, I smiled and started to laugh! What a bunch of fun people and not a bummer trip in the bunch. I wanted to stop and thank all the people out there that make it work ~~ YOU THE SIZZLERS! I couldn’t do it without your support and I am grateful for the best Fall I’ve ever had. The fishing has been fantastic for most, and every trip has been a happening and memorable experience. As the sun rose over Spring Hill in Mt Shasta one morning, a warm chill came over my body and I realized after 15 years of guiding fulltime I couldn’t be in a better place. It’s like I got my second wind and the candle burning inside me realizes that these are the best of times as sweet 40 draws near….. I love my job and the adventures out there with all of you. My customers are my lifeline and I have become so close with all of you cause you know my guiding is genuine– from the heart.
We discovered the Upper Klamath together, pioneered the Upper Sac Raft Trip and wandered through the Andes together in Chile for over 13 years. You know I will do what ever it takes to get you the best fishing experience, wake up at any hour, drive any distance. It’s just all about our adventures together, just the way we like it!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! “I LOVE YOU MAN”!! JACK TROUT HAPPY HOLIDAYS FRIENDS & FISHES

One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is raft and fly fish the Upper Sac in the Fall or Winter! I had been watching the flows and in November the flows were high enough to consider a trip….So, knowing that Mike Levinson and his crazy two friends would be
coming up that week inspired me to get things ready for the first EVER rafting fly fishing
trip in November on the Upper Sac!! The morning was really foggy and cold, but I knew it would be 65 that day in Redding, so I turned up my Sirius Radio Classic Vinyl and listened to the Rain Song by Led Zepplin, one of my all-time favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2zmCsLIDmA
Go listen to it and come back
(Rain Song, acoustic version youtube)!
It was so beautiful out there on the Upper Sac. The boys stopped to have a brew!
Mike hooked two out of the boat that day!!
We had three anglers in the raft so we elected to wade more and ferry our way down the river as we fished and made history as the 4 craziest nuts in Siskiyou County. It took perfect oaring since the flows were so low and the drops were so long! But knowing and respecting the Upper Sac like I always do carried us through the hairiest of rapids!!!
And we laughed and took the bravest runs all-day as I barry-sandered my way down the river. Seeing everything in yellow was so different and yet magical, I thought about my old pal Shasta Trout the best fly fishing dog known to man.
Upper Whitehorse Pool had to be perfect or you could flip or get stuck and make the newspaper (That’s the worst Sizzlers)… Kids don’t try this at home! I know, live and breathe this river I was on top of my game!!
There was pocket water fishing everywhere and the boys had some nice trout and nice fly fishing!
Whitehorse was another story. It had to be negotiated perfectly or we were stuck. I would go on the center route right down the middle! (Never raft any river without a certified rafting guide through the US Forest Service or BLM. I am a certified class 4 rafting guide with the knowledge and strength to get us through any rapid). The right equipment for each river is key to catching trout, staying safe and having successful outings.
How sweet it was!
That night at Billy Goats in Mt Shasta, we celebrated a great day out in the sun in late November! We had so much fun and some of the drops and rapids were perfect. We charged them
like the Calvary and later on the buffalo wings and great tap beer refueled the kettle!
Oh Sizzlers, if you’re up in Mt Shasta, go by Billy Goats and tell them Jack Trout sent you and check out their soft-shelled crab blt!! (Maybe the best sandwich I have ever tasted)!!
They have over 100 beers and 5 to 7 new micro brews every week on tap in addition to great food. It’s the same owners of Trinity Cafe down the street so you know you’re going to get the best!! Try it out sometime you’ll thank me. JT (BILLY GOATS* 107 CHESTNUT, MT. SHASTA (530) 926-0209)
The next day, I scraped the boys up and we headed out for the Klamath River.(Shasta Valley and the rare north side view of Mt Shasta) Cold air cures hangovers Paul (I wear my sun glasses at night)……
Mike & Paul started with guide Aaron Greener, and I had Dave!
We passed a pelican I had seen before on the river, he didn’t mind we were so close. I named him Petty just in case I saw him again some day.
Petty says: Check out Tom Petty, Running Down A Dream
(Tom Petty, rock & roll legend)!
When Mike Hengehold Called, the rivers flowed like the wine of the Napa and Alexander Valleys!
Check out this video by the Kinks, called: Do it again. It will bring back some memories from the 80’s. This was one you loved but forgot about!
Pops says, Watch it and come back.
Hey get back here! Jeff just got a hook-up and the fish is dancing with wolves!
(Ray Davies and the Kinks are great aren’t they)!
This fish looks like Billy White-shoes Johnson dancing in the inzone! That was back when the inzone celebration was being invented, man I’m old! This steelhead sure wasn’t!
The Silver Legacy! I sure like that the Rum Bullions Islands Bar in Reno, in the Silver Legacy Casino. I saw Jerry Rice there once with my brother, Tim Carp.
Jeff Bundschu’s 1st Steelhead, he’s pretty fired up folks!
Once again we found ourselves enjoying life at Billy Goats in Mt Shasta! Brian Kerr and Jason Barr true locals who know how to enjoy and live large!
Timmy will get you a brew, no problem friend! (BILLY GOATS*107 CHESTNUT, MT. SHASTA (530) 926-0209 OVER 100 BREWS FROM FROM ALL OVER, GREAT GOURMET GRILLED FOOD)
That’s what I call a Klamath Unicorn!
Pete and Peter Villareal from Downieville, California!
Peter hooked up fish all day long and it was great to see folks from the same area I grew up around. I miss Portola every once in a while, and remember a great childhood hiking and fishing around the Feather River, Upper Yuba near Sierra City, all the lakes under the Sierra Buttes and Lake Davis por su puesto. (of course).
Jim Collins is the NET folks!
This dude is the funniest guy ever! He has more stories than the Golden Gate Bridge and you’d laugh at every one of them. On this occasion we floated the Trinity River and caught some really nice steelhead, two in this one spot!
Very clean fish, just to touch one steelhead and land it is an amazing feat on a fly rod! These fish have to out-run sea lions and hundreds of other predators while enduring their 2 to 4 year journey out at sea. Some of these steelhead have been tracked up near the Bering Straits, so they have its journey back home. Jim’s a mellow cat he never sweats the small stuff, “it’s the whole experience that counts”! Jim says…
Jim loves Neil Young. Here’s Neil Young ~ Old Man, 1st time ever performed by Neil.
Jim says: watch it and come back.
So many great places to fish!
Another bald eagle ready to greet us.
Jim and I made down near a creek and blam! Another trout hit hard and Jim was hooked
What a great fighter!
Way to go Jim!!! All the steelhead trout this year have been so large.
After having one day off, I had to get the boat out of the driveway and ready for my guide trip with Rich and Dave Creeggan on the Klamath River. I get a lot of snow in my neighborhood. That’s why a boat cover was a great investment and the boat-bro from Cosmo Kramer!
The snow was flying the day the Creeggans arrived!
Dave was armed and ready to catch a steelhead and even though it was snowing we had the right gear not to be too cold, in fact I’m almost always comfortable.
It didn’t take long to hook-up
Nice steely Dave! Steelhead hook-ups keep you warm.
Pops loved it!
Now it was Dad’s turn!
After Rich landed his fish, Petty the Pelican came by to see what all the yelling was about?Petty was impressed…
The rare fish net pic!
Hi everyone! Have you thought about a holiday gift certificate?

Like old times Rich!
I said I was really comfortable…… That’s when the fly fishing turn on and things got hot!! We have heat just in case you were wondering….
Back on the Trinty Ed Wills from Sparks, Nevada saw stars when this fish got on his fly!
Nice 10lb trout!! (approx) I don’t want the guy from Alaska to email me and say I’m fibbing. Nice trout Ed, thanks for coming up and fishing with me.
Take your time releasing these trout. Make sure they are ready.
Chris Welch landed this very nice steelhead this past week. Chris I wanted to thank you for all the trips this fall. I really enjoy not only the fishing but the great friendship!
I could look at different steelhead all day long.
I suggest trying a different location everytime you fly fish the Trinity River!
Look at the tits…I mean the kipe on that steelhead!(too many days out guiding)
A slow day previously and I’m thinking oh no, I have this guy I’ve never taken out before, the river needs rain and the steelhead are cold in the mornings. It makes it hard to catch fish out of the boat on the Trinity when the river is this low. But I always show up chipper, making sure the rigs are right and I’m doing everything I can to get my people into a giant steelhead. Then it happens, a new day. A day you wouldn’t expect, where fish are biting when and where they are supposed to. It makes you want to remember and engrave it into your brain for the days when you think it will be hot and the bite is slow. Ken Buckler did it! He landed the biggest trout I’ve ever seen in a river!!! This trout was for sure over 12 lbs and was measured at over 32 inches!!! That’s fishing….?

Wow! What a day. I hope to see you in Chile this year Ken! We can try our luck on the Rio Futaleufu.jt
It was cold that morning! I suggest you wear three pairs of thick socks, a cap for your head, fingerless gloves and regular gloves. I also wear three pairs of thermal underwear
(maybe that’s why my social life has been so slow lately)? Dress warm, not enough socks has been most of the problem. I remain comfortable layering up, I also use two jackets
one very warm with a waterproof shell for rain or snow. It really can be a lot of fun if you dress right, just the mornings are raw (Like out of Dumb & Dumber-the motorcycle scene). I’ll tell you though it’s great exercise to get in the cold and move around. You burn tons of calories and the winter beauty is a different theme. *******HOPE YOU ENJOYED THESE ADVENTURES STAY TUNED AS WE HIT THE TRINITY, KLAMATH AND LOWER SAC WITH A SURPRISE VISIT FROM SOMEONE FAMOUS YOU ALL KNOW!! HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES IN FULL COLOR WITH LOTS OF PICTURES MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS. WE GIVE DISCOUNTS FOR MULTIPLE TRIPS PURCHASED. SORRY IF THE SPELLING OR GRAMMAR IS WRONG, I’M DOING THIS STORY IN-BETWEEN ONE DAY OFF AND A GUIDE TRIP I HAVE TODAY ON THE KLAMATH RIVER. IT IS 4:23AM AND I DO IT FOR THE CAUSE BROTHER, AND I LOVE WHAT I DO!!!
Madeleine and I are still enjoying the (strawberry memories) of our trip with you on the Upper Sac.
We both look forward to booking several more fishing adventures with you next year.
I would like to pre book (open date) two fishing trips with you for my busy executive son and myself for 2007. Perhaps 2 venues in three days and a day in between for some golf.
I would be most happy to prepay and leave open the dates depending on the time frame for both of you. Please advise with your suggestion (June-July- August).
Thanks for your interest in the Save Lake Almanor effort. It looks like the SWRCB has made up its mind (if they had any) that be dammed about the trout sustainable habitat in Almanor-Butt Lakes to try to experiment to enhance the fish in the Rock – Cresta area.
We are updating our SOL web site and will post more information soon.
If you or any of your angler friend can get to New Zealand during Feb.-April we would be happy to share what we have learned about fishing in the Otargo- Southland area.
George Protsman

That was a fantastic weekend. Thanks for setting it all up perfectly and endlessly untangling our lines. Thank Aaron also. Can’t wait till the next one.
Mike Levinson
Jack, thanks for the pics and the great trip. If I can get the time off
work in January, I will work on my Dad to see if we can get a trip together.
I saw the pics on your website and if we can’t do it this winter, I
definitely want to hit the Trinity next year!
-Dave Creeggan
I’m interested in a few hours of guided fishing on the Upper Sac around Dec 29/30. Are you guiding the river around the holiday period?
If so can you let me know approx cost for 4 hours.
Hi Jack,
Great site, enjoyed looking it over again. Such energy, enthusiasm, and
genuineness. There is no one else like you, one of the reasons you are so
successful at what you do. Happy 40th. Enjoy to the max each 20yr old at
your side in Chile.
All my best to you,
John McDermit ` River Dancers Mt Shasta
Thanks for the great fishing. Nice job. We will be back.
Good on ya, Jack! Thanks again for a fun trip! Jim Collins
I really appreciate your communication with me about the trip to Chile. I
looked at all your Web Stories and I know that it would be a great trip that
both my wife and I would enjoy. Unfortunately, it does not look like this
is the year that the trip would fit into our budget. If you have a mailing
list or e-mail list that you would like to put me on in relation to future
trips, please do so. Now that I know the costs and details of a trip, I
can start planning for the future . You have my e-mail and phone number. Thanks for the
effort you put in to get us informed about the trip. It is definitely
something we both want to do in the future.
Jack , just wanted to drop a line and say thanks(a helluva lot) for
the float. Epic day on the water. I’m still buzzing from the thrill
of hooking (and landing!) that steelie. Truly one, if not the most
remarkable experiences I have had behind a rod & reel. I now do not
need anything for Christmas as my gift came early. I’m trying to see
if I can sched a float on the Klamath and bring my brother along.
I’ll try and run some dates by you once I get a better idea of his
schedule. Anyhow, rock on me friend and fire those pictures off to me
when you get a chance as I have some non-believers and naysayers
regarding my catch.
Cameron Baxter
Jack, I thoroughly enjoyed this late chapter of the season! The photos make it real. Patricia Newman