Finally some colder weather! My friend Mitchell Barrett called me yesterday and said I’m so glad autumn is finally here! We received rain in Mt Shasta on Tuesday night which equated to snow on the peaks of Mt Shasta. We so desperately need a rainy September, October, November to start coming back from the drought we are experiencing throughout the state of California. So join me as we look up at the skies and ask for rain or snow this autumn season. (As my dad would say,”cross your navel and pray to the east!”)
Jack Trout
The Upper Sac is really starting to produce! The colder mornings and cloudier days makes for great action early and later in the day.
The water is low so you have to find the deeper pocket water locations. Unfortunately with these low waters, only pocket water is producing hook-ups since the normally deeper runs are like bowling lanes now waiting like we are for the next great storm. I have never appreciated a good rain storm (English rainstorm) like I do these days, rain has become as close to me as a four legged friend named Rover.
Veronica and Chris Carloni enjoyed their day on the Upper Sac!
Slots like this one below the elephant ears are what you should be looking for. I like to use a stimi-dropper with the top fly being more weighted about four to five feet from the stimulator fly. Aren’t those rocks amazing. Looks like organ pipes.
Crossing the river is important now, especially since you can with the low water levels.
On the sunny days, I fish areas of the Upper Sac that are winding and have less sun exposure. Trout like shaded areas and the Upper Sac has lots of straight exposed areas that fish stay away from on the sunny days.(bowling lanes are non-productive).
Where beauty meets river!
Fly fishing with a friend or lover can be so rewarding. The great outdoors are right in your backyard, get out and experience it together!! I find when I don’t guide and I’m not in the outdoors moving, my body gets most sore or this knot in my back starts up again….
The Lower Sac is flat out on fire right now!!
Chris loved his day on the Lower Sac and all the trout he caught, but none was prettier than this prize to start out our day.
Thumbs up Chris!!
Veronica lunker on~~ Sister!
Trout on the Lower Sac are so strong and shaped like footballs.
Ah another one! Veronica is showing off now folks!
Right under the Cypress bridge in Redding we hit a pod!
Nice form dude!
Caddis have been working well on the Lower Sac fishing all day!
Give us call if you are interested in the Lower Sac drift, we’re averaging about 10 to 25 trout to the boat right now, catch and release as always.jt
Veronica and Chris thanks again, nice to fish with such quality folks! Jack Trout
I’m sure most of you have read the story about Christopher J. McCandless, the young man of 23 that left the east and headed out west then north to find his true freedom and complete
his life destiny. This story has always been very dear to me because of what I was feeling
in the early 90’s, living and selling Real Estate in the Bay Area. I was from a small town up in the Sierra’s originally, but moved down to the Bay Area to find a better life, so I thought. After about five years of living around Castro Valley, I started to really miss my mountains I grew up around. Living in the cities, mountains became buildings, and trees became people, and I started to realize that no money in the world could keep me happy
in a place that I was so cemented in. I made the move and have never looked back, It was the greatest win of my life and I’m so glad I had the courage and strength to pull it off. Now 15 years later, my friend Jerry Hannan tells me that he wrote 2 songs in Sean Penn’s movie; Into the Wild! I was so happy when he told me, I thought back to those days and remembered my deep passion to return to the mountains that held my soul. More than ever I think about Christopher McCandless and his will to be free and it only reassures my decision to live and work in the outdoors. I know what he was feeling inside and I admire anyone who leaves their comfort to explore themselves. My friend Jerry Hannan had it all correct in the words of his new hit song Society; It’s a mystery to me~ We have a greed with which we have agreed ~ And you think you have to want more than you need ~ Until you have it all you won’t be free ~ Society ~ Your crazy breed ~ I hope you’re not lonely without me…. I think I need to find a bigger place ~ Cause when you have more than you think ~ You need more space ~ Society- Have mercy on me ~ Hope you’re not angry if I disagree. These words are so classic and you will agree when you see this amazing movie
coming out today, September 21st in select theatres and nation wide on October 5th. I think everyone on some level will identify with this movie and realize how important it is to be honest with what your heart’s telling you and not to follow in anyone else’s footsteps but your own.
So when my best friend Jerry Hannan invited me down for the premier of the movie; Into the Wild, I felt pretty honored. Chris Haugen came along and so did Jerry’s girlfriend Rosanna
and Kelly Peterson who sings in the movie Into the Wild; I Thought I Was You ~ Also written By Jerry Hannan. The place was completely sold out and the atmosphere was sizzlin!
INTO THE WILD~ EDDIE VEDDER ~ HARD SUN VIDEO AND SONG ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TymXrBnL5M4
The movie was incredible! It’s Sean Penn’s finest work as a director. I loved to hear how it all came about, how he met the family 10 years previously and was denied because the event was still too fresh in the McCandless families’ memories. Then after being granted permission, Sean Penn flew out with author Jon Krakauer to meet again with the family and get this movie right. During eight months of filming on the road, Sean shot his movie at several locations; some of which were flat out freezing (the Alaskan locations).
I liked hearing the stories of kayaking an Alaskan class 5 river. The lead actor Emile Hirsch had not ever been in a kayak and was a little scared to do the shot. Sean Penn said, “I’ll do it if you do it!” Then Sean went first! Sean went all out to make this film great by making a commitment to the family and Chris McCandless to get this film accurate. It was also obvious to me that Sean Penn became obsessed to make this a great movie from the time he first picked up the book in the early 90’s and read the book cover to cover–twice.
Emile Hirsh is seen here accepting his award for the Mill Valley Film Festival this past week. Emile Hirsch is in almost every scene of this movie and is brilliant in his role. He lost over 45 lbs making the movie. He said his worst time during the movie was the grizzly scene and his happiest was when it was over. Sean said the grizzly scene was his favorite scene and the day it ended he was sorry (jokingly). Sean Penn’s commitment to his acting, and now directing, makes him the most impressive movie figure of my generation. Remember that the guy who gives Christopher McCandless the boots in the movie was the real life character, and the watch that was given to him was really Christopher McCandless’s watch he left with the man before entering into Alaska.
Emile Hirsch wears it in the movie.
One other tad-bit, Rainey the hippie dude in the movie (longest hair in the movie- trust me) was Emile Hirsch’s kayak instructor who Sean Penn gave a part to in the movie. He’s absolutely classic and maybe has the best line in the movie, so look for Rainey!! Go see this movie people, it will affect you in a good way I promise! HAPPINESS IS REAL ONLY WHEN SHARED!
(Sean Penn gave Jerry Hannan a thumbs up on his talented song writing abilities and said he was proud to have his song writing friend in another one of his movies!)
Later, Kelly Peterson and Jerry Hannan sang for all of us at a restaurant in the area. They sung; I Thought I Was You, from the movie. It was fantastic!

Jerry and Chris then Played, Society from the movie and everyone loved it!
After a little while we ran into Steven and Patricia Wiig, good friends of Jerry’s.
Steven had a role playing the mean ole ranger from Lee’s Ferry! I fished Lee’s Ferry and all the rangers were pretty helpful? I had good fly fishing also at Lee’s Ferry, beautiful Colorado Rainbows.
Steven sent me this set photo from Into The Wild of him playing his mean ole ranger part! Remember this photo so when you see the movie you can remember this story and laugh. Steven Wiig mean ole ranger that doesn’t give out river permits unless you wait a long time. I thought it was some very good acting, you won’t like him in the movie so he did his job! jt
Here’s another picture I was sent of Emile Hirsch and Steven Wiig at the Toronto Film Fest.
After the music ended we all walked around and passed on greetings to everyone, drank wine
and talked about the movie.
(Isn’t life like a box of chocolates?)
Later on we went to a great party and mingled up in the hills and I met people out of the band Metallica and even Jerry Cantrell from Alice in Chains showed up and invited us the next night back stage to the Alice in Chains concert at Concord Pavilion.
Listen to Tom Petty: Into The Great Wide Open~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbu7BfJfT4s Then come back! Jack Trout
What a guitar legend! Jerry Cantrell ladies and gentlemen. OK some you old geezers that watch my site, say your favorite band is Woody Herman~ You would like this music so listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OAGh07idXs
Alice in Chains ~ Nutshell Acoustic
Jerry Cantrell and Jerry Hannan! Jerry Cantrell was awesome, the whole vibe and energy of the band was ginormous. I suggest checking out Alice in Chains where ever they show up! You have ~No Excuses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz8ctHV3nwA
Later on bass man Michael Inez showed up and the fun really started!It was great to think everyone in this room loved their jobs!! Steven, Jer and I kind of tied one on!
(One other blog note from the Alice In Chains show…
“NIN-JA JUICE! NIN-JA JUICE!” w/Mike Inez) Steven W.
We went in with a bunch very nice guys!!! I finally found people having as much fun as me! Steven told me this morning after getting back from Hollywood premier, that after the parties all ended Steven, Jerry and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam watched the sun rise in California and talked about life. What a neat direction my friends are heading into. New stars being born as people as significant as Chris McCandless carve their tale in our lives like a song that’s enjoyed and played over and over and over. Jack Trout
(Thank you so much my friends for allowing me to come along and enjoy one of the most memorable weeks of my life. I was out on the river yesterday and thanked the Sky Pilot for
all the great things in life.)
Back at home the river couldn’t be more beautiful!
Tracy hooked up down stream it looks like.
Steve is running down the dream! Tom Petty ~ Running Down The Dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eW91-5TC78
Nice trout Steve!
What a great day she said in the end!
Make the river water look like a dream!
Dry fly picking up in the afternoons on the Upper Sac, even if you don’t see them rise! Look for the foam lines and foam lies and through out a EC Caddis size 16 until you see the mayflies appear then switch to lt. Cahill size 16. You will catch trout on dries from here on out Sizzlers!
Dry fly rules~ You get to add three inches of length to your story if you catch any trout on a dry fly.
This trout had a crawfish in his belly! Most trout aren’t big on the Upper Sac, but when you take into account that the fly fishing only gets better as we move into fall then winter this is a sure bet place to land trout.
The beauty is unsurpassed! This is my INTO THE WILD! Thank you for watching!! Jack Trout
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got this fish close. it drilled my silver
> hilton!! it was in great shape and is getting smoked this weekend!
> —
> Aaron Martin
Jerry Hannan recording his new CD at Plant Studios!! This is the place where the biggest record like; Santana, Fleetwood Mac, Dave Matthews (Nico Gonzales my guide in Chile’s favorite) Heart, Sammy Hagar, too many to list check this link out!! http://www.plantstudios.com/discography/ fricking amazing!! Congrats Jerry!
Sunday I headed to Rancho Nicasio to see Elvin Bishop and my old friend Ken Tennell.
See you in November Kenny with Dusty Baker and Trevor Wilson, can’t wait!!!*****THANK YOU
RANCHO NICASIO~ CONCERT LIST http://www.ranchonicasio.com/music.htm
Chris and I had a great time fishing on the Upper and Lower Sacramento River. The fish fought like monsters and your witty humor made it all that much better. The photos are excellent, and all my co-workers and fishing buddies alike are now excited to fish in those parts. We will be sure to send them your way.
P.S. can you email some of those photo files, if its not too much trouble! Gotta have one for moms fridge. J
Until the next fishing expedition.
Veronica G. Carloni
Glad to have a chance to be in touch once again. Four of us are interested in fishing the Upper Sac, McCloud, Siskiyou Lakes or possibly the Klamath on October 24 and 25. We are all comfortable with wade fishing and drift boat angling. What is your availability and your recommendation for the best catching experience at that time?
John Taylor
The Rancho sounds interesting. You will be in my area. Elvin is the best. I will look into it. I hope we can fish this winter. I’m belatedly trying to figure that out. I will be in Dunsmuir for some walk and wade on October 24. I will call you then. Let me know if you will not be around.
I’m looking for a half-day trip on the Upper Sacramento on Saturday morning, October 6. Two people, one experienced, one beginner (3 trips).
Steve Cohee
I’ve been dreaming of trout for a month. My son and I are very much looking forward to learning from you this weekend.
Just wanted to confirm our rendezvous at 8:15am in Mt. Shasta on Sat morning.
One reminder. I’m a rusty flyfisherman, and my son is a novice. I took him to the casting pond in San Francisco, and he’s got the rhythm. But I’m looking your way for instruction and inspiration.
Thanks …
Steve Rees
Thanks for the advice. We have made arrangements to stay at the hotel and
wound like to fish with you on Oct 1st.
Ed Wall
I will be in Shasta the first part of november with a friend and we would like to float for Steelhead on the 6th, 7th, or 8th if you have a 1 day opening on any of those dates. Please let me know.
Thanks, Tom
looking good Trout!
Good things to good people.
We’ve only just begun!!!
Sorry I missed you with my telephone call earlier this evening. I want to tie down the dates of October 24 and 25 with you and a second guide for the Klamath and Upper Sac/McCloud.
John Taylor
Hi Jack, I wait for the Peets coffee and you in december, you know my new adress?
Lautaro Nro. 18351
Barrio Austral
Ciudad Satelite
one hug brother
Juan Ramos
What a small world. I visited your updated website, and was surprised to see my brother Kent in a couple of the pictures. I had not spoken to him for a while, and didn’t know he’d fished with you. He did mention that the Upper Sac was more of a workout than he had expected, and I am concerned about how strenuous the wading might be. Is there a float option for our half-day trip on October 6?
Steve Cohee
What an amazing adventure, Jack! I bet you never dreamed you’d be hanging out with the likes of Sean Penn and Metallica. Suuu-weeeeet! Tracy S.
Very cool Jack.
To make it to that premier.
Funny, I may be a “Corporate Stiff” now but that book had quite an effect
on me as well.
I moved to Hawaii after college w/ $500 bucks and stayed for 2 years;
Also, I backpacked around the world in 93 checking out the Himalayas and
Sean Penn is the “Man”. I met him at a club in Boston years when he was
making ‘Mystic River”
I hate it when a movie gets made of one of my favorite books but maybe Sean
will do this one justice.
Speaking on movies and books; Read ” The Road” if you have not already. The
last chapter will mean something to you.
Don’t skip ahead!
I am definitely going Steelhead fishing with you in November.
I just need to line up the exact dates.
Regards, Chris J.
Trout, where¡Ùd you get that Stienstra Hat?????
C. E. Pat Patterson
Dear Tom Stienstra:
I’m grateful for your occasional comments about gifted guides. That makes you a guide to guides, doesn’t it?
One of your regulars, Jack Trout, guided my son and me this weekend while we fished for steelhead on the Klamath and trout on the lower Sac. Jack reminded me that good guides are more than fish and water experts. Like good teachers in any domain of knowledge, they are often high spirited souls who enjoy their relation to man and nature both. Here’s a smattering of what Jack taught us this weekend.
1. Respect your fellow fishermen … Jack was a perfect gentleman on the river to everyone he encountered. He steered his float boat out of the way of shore-based fisherman. And he shared tips with those who wanted to know what worked.
2. Read the water with care … Edges are where the action is. If that takes you away from other fishermen, but all the better. Jack really knew the rivers, the riffles, the holes that were just right at the water levels of the day.
3. Rig with wisdom and care … He knows the right patterns, and how to put them together. And he knows how to present them. He’s attentive to the craft side of rigging and knots.
4. Enjoy the chase as well as the catch … Jack loves the ride. Getting to the fish is as much his pleasure as getting the fish. It assures him of a good outing even on bad days with no bite.
Thanks for paying him the attention he deserves.
Steve Rees
San Francisco
Man Buys Smoker, Finds Human Leg Inside
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A man who bought a smoker Tuesday at an auction of abandoned items might have thought twice had he looked inside first.
Maiden police said the man opened up the smoker and saw what he thought was a piece of driftwood wrapped in paper. When he unwrapped it, he found a human leg, cut off 2 to 3 inches above the knee.
The smoker had been sold at an auction of items left behind at a storage facility, so investigators contacted the mother and son who had rented the space where the smoker was found.
The mother, Peg Steele, explained her son had his leg amputated after a plane crash and kept the leg following the surgery “for religious reasons” she doesn’t know much about.
“The rest of the family was very much against it,” Steele said.
Steele said her son, John Wood, plans to drive to Maiden, about 35 miles northwest of Charlotte, to reclaim his amputated leg, police said.