When I think back to my first year in Patagonia Chile in 1993, I have to stop and pinch myself for I am so grateful that every year since
then I have returned to witness these never ending high peaks of solid granite decor, lined with inpenetrable forests never touched by the human hand. A beauty so surreal, you must come here to witness it first and foremost with your own eyes to really see what I am telling and showing you on a computer screen first developed about the same time I first discovered Patagonia Chile.
Since then, I have fished almost every river in the 9th, 10th and 11th regions of Chile and have a wide knowledge of where to go when, what bugs to use how and when not to go why.
I have friends, family and others I would define as lifers in every nook as from day one, I have always written everyone names and phone numbers down in a black book I have carried for 17 years. I am ready for my final test. I am ready to write the book I have talked about
for so many years as all along it has really been writing itself. I have about half of it written now, but feel confident that the final chapters are stuck deep in that hard head of mine. Some say I have a memory like an elephant, I don’t forget much… So I will write my tales and share my experiences with you – With all, leaving nothing out and everything I desired in my journeys in Patagonia Chile.
Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did living it!
Thank you, Jack & Carola Trout
The fjords of Chile, carved by glaciers that melted in the basement of man’s first existence starting up high on those very same peaks we’ve seen together, alluvial fans flowing out to sea forming islands and canals the ships and ferries have to traverse around now. Some occupied, some desolate are these little islands based on resources and distance from resources available for human necessities, so vast so brilliant as Mother Nature had planned, only known in 3 other parts of the world. Fjords exist where glaciers once formed on mountains bordering coastal areas. The glaciers carved out glacial valleys down slopes of great magnitudes. The glacier melting grounds of Chile, Norway, Alaska and New Zealand are the only places fjords exist in the world.
We offer one day and multiple day drifts on 4 rivers in Patagonia Chile.
The moonlight on the Andes mountains, another breath-taking experience here in Patagonia’s version of romancing the stone.
That night we had steaks fit for kings! The wine was wonderful and Carola and I had a nice chat with our clients at the dinner table about the upcoming events for the next day’s boat ride up the river to a walk-n-wade spot we all hold near and dear to our hearts.
Here, early is better. Up at 6 am and the stonefly bite on the surface begins at 7 am and lasts until about 3 pm.
Only about 5 places are productive with dries but we have them dialed in for you!
Chunky-Monkey, This fish needs to go on a diet Oprah! So many fish we catch are fat and well nourished.
The waters are precious here, glacier, free flowing without dams.
A cast is laid out with a large Madam X to an unexpecting candidate…
A mighty fine fight indeedy, Way to go Dave.
Downriver a scream is heard, a lunker is on the line! Must go fast…
Wow! The amazing scene through modern technology shows how really large he is!
Then Patricio got in on the action, and everyone was catch’n lunkers! Another cast another fish, this was one great spot and catching these trout on huge flies on the surface made it all the better.
Then we we’re off to another spot and we applauded our captain!
Casting here into the bushes and trees prove very affective and it looks like Dave caught a trout that before was in the hands of a predator.
Porky Pig in Chile.
Look – it’s the three little pigs.
We have this boat just waiting for you!
Look close, all those shadows are trout and we’re going to catch them!
Jack Trout and Scott Miller on a coastal river loaded with trout!.
I have been fond of this Lenga Tree that hangs over my home river for years! Chile’s version of the Black Oak.
Dave with another great brown.
These are the Brown Trout that were introduced from Germany back about 1910.
Scott taking a cat-nap after lunch!
Scott back up ready for action on another river on another day.
cool dude for sure!
Every valley has a river in Chile.
Tres Amigos!
Pancora is like a crayfish and a stonefly in one crustacean.
Tabano season runs from December 20th to January 20th and then they just disappear. They really suck though during those times and harass me and the clients all day. I hit them with all kinds of thing to get them off me and they still come back for the bite.
Strangely enough the trout bite is always awesome when they are out, so we endure. I have hit some head on with my Brodin net handle and I see them fly away? These bugs are incredible strong for their size.
Carola told me about this tooth pick trick, I thought I’d try it the next time I was out on the river……
It works! Now go fly back to the nest and tell your family!!
That’s a classic!
Channels and currents that tell the whole story, look at the big picture and you’ll see it all!
Just you and rivers that we explore where we rarely see anyone else, possible because they are private….
Carola’s fantastic lunches with wine and some great music!
Emerald waters…
Scott and downtown brown.
Grandma, decided to baked a special cake for our clients Dave and Scott.
What a master piece!
Grandma, for all you do for us! Thank so much for all your support and love!
Carola’s Grandma is a lovely warm-hearted lady, I guess that’s where Carola’s gets it from.
Perfect harmony! Carola and I are here in Chile having a great 2009 season.
A real heart-stopper! Pichangas a famous Chilean past-time, served with lots of beer and sports on the TV.
We went to the grand festival in Llanquihue and in the dark near our feet with thousands around us a little pooch puppy whimpered and looked up at us distraught, tired and desperate. So many have emailed since my best friend Shasta Trout died August 9th, 2005. I couldn’t just go out and replace a dog that accompanied me on so many guided adventures. Shasta Trout was the best dog and partner a man could ever have, but I always thought if another dog came along and everything was right I could have another best friend.
Well folks it happened last night! OBI is her name and she will be well taken care of here in Chile. A homeless dog with no hope now has everything she could ever dream of and we are blessed by her coming into our lives.
I will never forget the hundreds of guide trips Shasta Trout accompanied me on, I will never forget the time she treed a bear on a guide trip at Bollibokka. I’ll never forget the 13 television shows we did together over her graceful life, but the new era with Obi is one I will also embrace and cherish.
Tomorrow she goes to the vet for vaccinations and we’ll get her spaded soon after.
What an exciting time indeed with Carola and Obi and this wonderful 2009 season in Chile! Thanks to all who make it great!
Thanks for watching our adventures!
Check out Fodor’s Travel Books, Chile 2009 with Argentine Patagonia –
Fly Fishing Chile and Argentina section by; Jack Trout.
Saludos, Jack & Carola
Jack Trout International Fly Fishing & Scenic Tours ~ Argentina * Belize * Chile * Nor Cal
1004 SO. Mt Shasta Blvd. Mt Shasta, California 96067
http://www.jacktrout.com http://www.mtshasta.com
530-926-4540 530-926-4540 email: info@jacktrout.com
SKYPE: jacktrout24
Piloto Pardo 848, Chaiten, Chile Decima de Los Lagos
(Central Patagonia Office)
Hopefully reopened in 2013 due to Chaiten Volcano Disaster
Villa Los Presidentes
Calle Ramon Freire (Lakes District Office)
N* 2
Llanquihue, Chile
Cel: 011- 56 – 9 94671995 Jack in Chile.
Hey Jack,
Hope all is well, we talked a little while back before you went to Chile. I will be rolling Temuco to go fishing with my buddy. we want to do 2 days of guiding with you, do you have time between the 2 and 10 of march? Would be cool to go for a float and some wading, on some great fly fishing rivers!
let me know if you have time and what rivers you would want to hit with us…
greetings to you, Carola and the rest of your chilean family
PS just got the fodors guide… nice section man. I guess if you have no time, we might drop by for a brew, been reading your blog for too long, time to meet the guy behind the scenes..
take care…
Salzburg, Austria
hey Jack,
Good talking, man I am so excited to go back to Chile! So here is my plan: my buddy Phil and me are going to leave Victoria on the 1st of March, so we could be down in Llanquihue in the afternoon, so we would like to go fishing with you on the 2nd and 3rd with you. We would like to continue south on the 4th and make our way down to Coyhaique to finish our trip on the Rio Paloma and the Simpson. It would be cool to make some stops on the way to go fishing… walk and wade, tent and lots of beer….
Let me know, if you have a good itinerary for us, would be much appreciated.
If you need any equipment, let me know, I can bring it from Austria….
Thanks! Wow!
I would love to go to Chile but $ has been an issue these days. Still would like to crunch the numbers. If I save $40 per pay period, maybe 6 or 7 years?
Would you be open to discuss a co-op proposal to market your products with Sage?
I can educate our 2.6 million fans about your guided trips in the bad boy boats on our stadium jumbo screen.
Hec, great outdoor fishing on a fly and only 6 hours away. It will work.
I just want to touch base with you.
We are still lined up to be docked at Puerto Montt at 9 am. on Feb 18. And are looking forward to the fishing trip.
You might give us suggestions of clothes to wear. Maybe a Gortex jacket.
Will we be fishing drys or wets?
Hey, Jack!
My husband and I are looking for a romantic flyfishng weekend to celebrate our 30th anniversary in May. We are looking for a fairly inexpensive place to stay and maybe a 1/2 day of guided fishing. I am a beginner, my husband is intermediate. The Mcloud and Upper Sac Rivers have been reccomended to us by local anglers. (Grass Valley) Any ideas?
Rates for a guide? Should we float or not float? Stay in McCloud or Shasta? Any info and suggestions would be appreciated.
Robin and Keith
Oh, man thanks for the response!
So sorry to hear about the losses, especially to a fellow fly fisherman! I am a 20 year old college student (University of Oregon) and am going to be travelling with some other kids from the U California schools from Jan-March as part of an environmental research team. It will be a while before I can figure whether we will be doing a guided trip, but if we do I will certainly let you know.
What are your rates for 1 or 2 anglers for 1 day?
I’m looking for a place to rent for a few days in may, 2009 in the Mount Shasta Area. I would like a small cabin – close to hiking trails (just me and my dog). I have a medium sized (friendly) dog. Reasonable rates and prefer quiet location. No freeway noise! Don’t mind the train whistle, though.
Thank you.
Joan Chalmers
Hi Jack,
Talked to Zepp to get information on which river the guide trip would take place and date. We need to know so we can tell the prize winner the details of the certificate. Also what is the price?
We want to buy two gift certificates.
Thank you and hope all is well.
What hemisphere are you in? Do you know when you’ll be in NorCal next?
ciao bellissimo amico..!
go whith your book !!! i’ll be one of the many millions who will read it !!
cuando llegan mis queridos ..? nos harà bien al alma vernos y charlar y compartir y darnos un abrazo.
junto con cecilia y las niñas los esperamos….
un abrazo ,friend.
ps : my celular entel doesen’t work here in futa (just brought in villa santa lucia…..cosa patagonicas….)
Buenos Dias amigo
Your website gets better and better!
We are in Sedona and it is snowing. Beautiful area.
Best to you.
Bob Mc Ewan
Chile past client 2006
Wow, great pics. Everything looks amazing.
Can hardly wait until April.
Hey jack,
we are planning on doing 3 days with you: 2,3,4 march the two float trips sound good and a third day of wading is also on our agenda, like you offered earlier!
I have somebody who will float us on the paloma for one day, we will probably try to fish one more river in Coihaique and then start on our way up, fishing our way back to victoria…..
This is something we can dicsuss at your place in Llanquihue
Passport numbers will come tonight
best regards
Johann Heubach
Dear Friends,
This month we have sad news as our dear friend Janet Connaughton recently passed away. Throughout her illness, she continued to lend her strength and wisdom, and we≠d like to dedicate our continued work protecting Mount Shasta≠s Waters in loving memory of Janet.
Below you≠ll find words remembering Janet from the McCloud Watershed Council, news on Nestle in McCloud, upcoming Trout Unlimited TV programming, PG &E≠s cloudseeding, the State drought, IRWMG (fun acronym) and moreΣ
In loving memory of Janet
We lost a great friend and co-worker in democracy last month. Janet Connaughton was one of the founders of the McCloud Watershed Council, a woman who truly believed in the mission of our organization. Thanks to her dedication and countless hours of labor, this fledgling group of citizens quickly received its 501c3 status, and steadily became the organization we know it as today.
Janet was the type of person that welcomed everyone equally, whether you were a visitor, a newcomer to our community, or you were born and raised in McCloud. She made friends quickly, and didn≠t take long to show what a good friend she was.
She was a strong green republican who had a great respect for the environment and did not believe in the privatization of water. ≥Water should be for life and not for profit≈ was definitely her motto. She always held onto the hope that the light of democracy would prevail, both in our national and local civic arena. We will miss her greatly.
~ McCloud Watershed Council
Trout Unlimited on the Rise˘Features McCloud River on the Outdoor Channel
Trout Unlimited≠s On the Rise episode highlighting the McCloud River will air on February 13th, at 9:30 pm and again on Saturday February 14th a 6:00 am and 1 pm on the Outdoor Channel. All air times are Pacific Standard Time.
The McCloud River show is the 7th in their 2009 Series. The description states:
≥Bottled-water companies once had no problem drawing their product from anywhere they chose. That≠s no longer the case, in part due to the resistance put up by those devoted to this incredibly beautiful watershed.≈
Trout Unlimited On The Rise is the next generation of TU television. Hosted by Colorado guide and increasingly notorious fly fishing media personality Frank Smethurst, OTR is one man’s road journey in search of the most compelling coldwater fisheries in the country, along with the people who fight to protect them.
To learn more visit: http://outdoorchannel.com/Shows/TroutUnlimitedOnTheRise.aspx
Nestle to Present New Project Proposal on February 18th 2009
According to an ad in the Mount Shasta Herald, Nestle is planning to present on the ≥company≠s current project proposal followed by time for public comment on the proposed project.≈ The meeting will be held on February 18th 2009 at 7 pm at the McCloud Elementary School located at 332 Hamilton Way, McCloud, Ca 96057. The ad further states, ≥The purpose of these meetings is to provide the public information about the proposed project and to receive direct feedback from the community on the proposal.≈
Protect Our Waters note: Our coalition hopes Nestle will address the concerns brought up at the first community meeting in October˘to refresh your memory see the meeting report write-up at: http://www.mccloudwatershedcouncil.org/docs/10-28-08%20McCloud%20Public%20Meeting%20Summary%20-%20KW%20Final.pdf
McCloud Community Services District and Nestle
At their meeting on Monday January 26th, the MCSD board moved forward with the idea of a Nestle project, while assuring the public that they would take the time to gather all the needed information. The Board made a motion to try to talk with Nestle representatives in higher management positions, and to find a process to gather more information on the proposed project. Read coverage at:
McCloud Business Contest Winners and Network Announcement
The launch of the McCloud Local First Network was a great success and the first ever McCloud Basin Business Idea Contest received 22 exciting entries. The three winning ideas were: Francis Mangels with Bootstrap Gardens, Brian Stewart for a Hydroelectric Plant and Dorthea Shoenstein for Art Workshops. Amber DeBon acted as the spokesperson for the judges panel noting, ≥If we implemented all the ideas our town would be booming!
To see a list of entries see:
For Mount Shasta Herald Coverage see:
Cloudseeding and Mount Shasta Democracy School
PG & E cancelled its Pit-McCloud Cloud Seeding Program for the rest of the 2009 season. A meeting to discuss the ongoing issue of cloudseeding is scheduled for February 11th at 7:30 p.m. at the Flying Lotus in Mount Shasta. The meeting agenda is as follows:
7:30 – 8:00 √ Information on PG&E≠s updated plans and a brief presentation on the effects and implications of weather modification.
8:00 – 9:00 √ Review and clarification of discussion about various local policy options and requirements, based on the ≥Community Rights≈ information presented by Shannon Biggs of Global Exchange and Ben Price, an attorney from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.
9:00 – 9:30 √ Decide whether or not to facilitate a Mount Shasta Democracy School and form sub-committees as appropriate.
For Mount Shasta Herald coverage see:
Statewide Drought
As headlines across the state predict the first major drought California will experience in the 21st Century, water users in all sectors anticipate rationing, and the town of Bolinas is the first to enact strict water rationing˘or else they could run out of water at the beginning of April. Considering the condition of the State, it is an apt time to put our efforts into protecting the headwaters regions.
See: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/02/03/MNV415MGLA.DTL
Integrated Regional Water Management Group (IRWMG) for the Upper Sacramento River and McCloud River watersheds
The River Exchange and California Trout are requesting that the McCloud Community Services District, City of Mt. Shasta and the City of Dunsmuir consider participating in an Integrated Regional Water Management Group (IRWMG) for the Upper Sacramento River and McCloud River watersheds. The IRWM program will be utilized by state agencies to distribute $73 million from Prop. 84 in planning and implementation grants within the Sacramento River Hydrologic Unit. An Integrated Regional Water Management Plan has already been prepared for Sacramento River and its tributaries south of Shasta Dam, but the Upper Sac and the McCloud were not included in that plan. The first step in participating in the IRWM process is to create an IRWMG, and to submit an application as part of the Region Acceptance Process (RAP), in which the Department of Water Resources officially approves a designated region. Currently the City of Mount Shasta and McCloud Community Services District are on board, and River Exchange is soliciting participation from the City of Dunsmuir next week. For more information contact Sandra Spelliscy at River Exchange (530) 235-2012 or Curtis Knight at California Trout (530) 926-3755 .
Upcoming River Exchange Events
The River Exchange has many educational and fun events coming up in the next 6 months. In MARCH, check out their Sustainable Watershed Series
“When Water Was King”
Thursday, March 26, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Brown Trout Cafe, Dunsmuir
Join Craig Ballenger, outdoor writer and historian, as he takes us on a fascinating journey through time to look at some 19th Century Sacramento River Canyon Mineral Spring Resorts. Free admission.
For the full calendar see: http://www.riverexchange.org/calendar%202009.html.
Best Wishes,
Meadow Barr for Protect Our Waters Coalition