Any Amount Is Ok On Our Gift Certificates & They Never Expire.
Another year, another season of rafting fly fishing on the Upper Sacramento river. Got the seats reupholstered and looking pretty for the 2018 fly fishing season in Northern California.
Mount Shasta at 14, 162 feet was looking great as it laid witness that day to all my endeavors and preperations for all of you.
Mount Shasta City Park, the headwaters for the Sacramento River and all of California’s water, a must visit when you come to our area and bring a water bottle to fill and bring back home. Makes a great cheap gift for someone else.
Beef Dog’s last season – Beef Dog is now 15 years old, he did his last commercial raft trip with two clients the other day and he said he was honored for all his years and accepted his award as top fly fishing guide dog in America.
What a career!
Beef Trout – Will still be on drift boat guide trips but not rafting trips with two clients his hips are getting soft.
He’s ok, eats Thrify’s French Vanilla ice cream every night around 8 pm.
Whoohooo!! Upper Sac fly fishing trips have started! Flows are great for June, give a call for Northern California to float.
Thanks to Beef for all his hard work over the years out on the water, his support was always appreciated by me and the clients.
Nice trout being caught now on the Upper Sac plus great dry fly fishing on sunny days in the afternoon and rainy days that are warmer deliver warmer storms that induce hatches.
Water levels are lower this year get your fishing in early in California if possible.
Thank you again to all the great clients coming up to see us.
Trout are biting in the usual places and on some days, others, you just scratch your head and wonder where are they?
In mid April, fish on the sunny days until the leaves get on the trees, the bugs have no place to hang out on. So they hatch, wang chung tonight, lay eggs and spin out on sunny days until the leaves are on the trees. So fish the lower elevations working your way towards Dunsmuir on the Upper Sac until we have the full spring bloom and the bugs are chilling at the hard rock cafe until after lunch, then think about your Caddisfaction in the afternoons. (Trout Tip.)
Hey buddy!
So the early spring bite was ok, but it’s time for the hotter days to come around and the bite of a hungry trout with their choice of insect on hand. We are entering my favorite time of year where Grey Drakes, Golden Stones & a whole potpourri of others caddis, mayflies and stones come alive. Plucking through your box for the right fly or tying it up at the vise is why we get paid the “Medium Bucks.” (Coined by Dave Earl 2007.)
Another space ship heading for home.. lol
McCloud river open and clear, still a little early, fishing was a little slow with the cold weather this past weekend.
My beginner caught like 5 trout and hooked about a dozen, we loved the hot lunch that’s for sure.
Beautiful hard fighting bows with racing stripes.
The same trout at has been reintroduced all over the world from 1872 to 1908, the McCloud River Rainbow, the most well traveled trout in the history of the world.
Beef’s still looking for another one out there…. Always looking for you and me. 🙂
Always a productive hole to fish on the Upper Sac river float.
They aren’t huge like the Lower Sac, but it’s gorgeous out there as well as dry fly fishing out of the boat and if you do two days, you get the best of both worlds, fly fishing on the Upper & Lower Sac rivers by boat.
John Hunt Ladies & Gentlemen from Hunt Sails! What a great guy to fish with. 🙂
He caught trout all day out of the back of the raft. and thoroughly enjoyed his day out on April 20th, 2018.
Just love that gin clear waters of the Upper Sac… We get you to the most remote areas on the river.
Sweet drift folks…
Need A Steak Lunch?
Steak Lunch For All Past Clients Upon Request. 25 Years Folks, We started all this way back in 1994 and 25 seasons later, we’re still standing – better than we ever did. We want to share it with you for your loyalty and helping us get there. We love all of you out there and are always trying our best to get it right and make your experience the best it can possible be. Jack Trout Fly Fishing International, A Leader In Day Trips Worldwide.
Many Rivers & Oceans, Jack & Carola Trout & Team Trout International Guides
Lower Sac Trout Area Growing Even Bigger!!
I would like to congratulate all the guides and people who are taking care of the Lower Sac trout, they are growing bigger and bigger!! I have never seen such healthy trout and such a big average size catch rate in just about any river I’ve fished, including Chile or Argentina in all areas. We have been having amazing guide trips out on this river on homemade flies we tie (being that we all have guided with the best over the years.) This time on the rivers is really paying off for me and my guides these days.
A lot of beginners showing up, missing track, football or basketball practice but they had to, they had to work a few years out of school and get their direction in life, get an education, get married, get grounded. after school. (Why do you do it?) Now that the dust has settled, These young adults can get out with their buddies or barbra’s on a “W” or a Hubby-Pass and enjoy their resources they are surrounded by here in the greater North State. It’s important, we are all working harder than our parents did and rebooting the intel pentium processor in your brain on nature is paramount these days to keep happy. It fills the soul, a 150 years ago we spent 90% of our time in the outdoors and 10% indoors, these days you can expect the complete opposite from these so called screenagers, it’s depressing because they don’t know no different, but the rest of us know how the nature can heal any wound and humble any violence in a person. “Nature is the only thing in life that’s perfect, the rest is naturally imperfect and meant to be.” jt
So we had this great group from the Bay Area out learning how to fly fish and chill with old and new friends.
Why not make the lunches spectacular for these group outings, why not do a full scale BBQ with all the fixins, it might only lead to more repeat and referral business, possible a corporate gig because they catch wind of our reputation for providing the best shoreline BBQ lunches and fly fishing guides in all of California. Ok, we’ll even throw in all the fly fishing gear and flies to boot!! Value is what you get when you call Jack Trout Fly Fishing International. You work harder, we get it people!! So do we!!
Stir fry chicken, then Travis Ortiz had BBQ chicken for our group of 4, it was a feast and then the fishing…. Was so spectacular that day.
Good Old Lower Sac For A Group Fly Fishing Outing, One Of The Nations Best For Entertaining Groups.
Carola Trout wants to announce –
Jason Licht from Australia folks, he sure had a great trip in California fishing with me then going to see all the concerts down in Coachella, then over to the Tahoe area. I have been getting a lot of people from Australia and New Zealand here, they all know my good buddy and Fly fishing store owner in both countries Gavin Hurley. Don’t forget, if you are going to Australia or New Zealand in 2019, we do day trips at just about every port with gear included and a great lunch so keep that in mind. If you want an affordable package, call on Gavin Hurley, he’s a real straight shooter and I had another Aussie the other day tell me, “Right, I see him on the local telly all the time..” Gavin, the ads are working buddy… lol
Whoohoooo!! Jason way to kick some ass here in California, here’s the story about how your trout and salmon in Australia, NZ and Tasmania are from the McCloud river in Northern California in 1875. (Mainly the McCloud, possible San Leandro Hatchery also and some others later. Wasn’t there then.)
Sweet VooDoo Donuts that is incredible!! I sure miss Blue Star and Voodoo Donuts in Portland Oregon.
Creme Brulee cream filled with that hard stuff outside on top, it was memorable.
Righty ho Mate!! Outback steakhouse has nothing to do with Australia, the recipes are from New Orleans the owner told me once. Ask me on the river about the Blooming Onion, it’s a blooming great story, the owner is a genius. Don’t you like good business, good marketing as long as they can back it up folks. 🙂
She’s spoken for.. lol – thanks again for coming to California, we love all you folks from all over the world as long as you are about good like Jason Licht, you are welcome in our house of cards. Not all here are playing with a full deck, it’s gamble here, but one worth betting on. Why we’re all just trying to solve mysteries, without any clues…
So were off to fly fish around the world in 3o days and if it can be done, my first stop is with my guide Chris Wharton On Pyramid Lake, we have some past clients from a past Chile trip showing up and they wanted me to do one of my famous bbq’s for Alex Kanon as he turned 40 years old. Liz & Alex Kanon spent their Honeymoon with us in Chile and we found them a nice cabin on the river. One night they locked themselves out of the cabin and it was so remote they spent the night out on the deck with all the dogs. They were let back in about 2 am, good thing it was a very warm night and it ended being one of their fondest memories, all the dogs keep them real warm. So when Liz rented this multi million dollar house in the Mount Rose hills overlooking Reno, she called us to organize the fishing festivities and I suggested my guide Chris Wharton out of Reno, Nv. Then I thought what the heck, I want to go! I can be the promoter and cook the steak lunches for past clients in 2018 on shore and it was in perfect direction for my trip fly fishing around the world in 30 days. Driving through this ancient high desert valley in Nevada it reminded me of all the stories and books I have read about the Pyramid and the Paiute 1st Nation Indians that lived for eons out in these areas of Nevada and California. As the valley narrowed I thought about how gold seekers had to traveled right through these same areas in the 1840’s & 50’s, the day was filled with memories of books written by Twain, Holliday, Kroeber and the Nevada State Historical Society, all 4 whom I am very fond of reading as a kid and young adult growing up nearby.
The boys started hooking trout on Chris’s special flies.
Marquee Bonilla starting hooking trout and landed this lovely female Lahotan Cutthroat. Pyramid lake is fed from the miracle that Lake Tahoe delivers each day backwards to a desert on a horse with no name that evaporates into thin air because there is no outlet? Baffling, when you consider that this lake holds the largest indigenous native trout in the world.
(Not Lake Taupo, NZ or Jurassic Lake in Argentina because those are McCloud Rainbows, trout were introduced to NZ from California in 1875 and in Argentina from 1904 to 1908.)
Need A Steak Lunch Out On The River? Tell us, we’ll bring the Chilean Disco out and cook you one up.
Let me know how you like it cooked, being worldly is enjoying all aspects of the day. We like to think of it as the total experience, it’s a privilege to be a fly fishing guide. When you’ve done it as long as I have, you want to give back to all of those who have been supporting us all along. It’s our way of saying thank you over the 25 seasons!! I could make some donation like we do to environmental organizations, this time we are donating more to you! I think you could use the lower prices and upgraded meals and the free gear now, not later… Value, we get it.
The boys really enjoyed themselves, some came as far as Wisconsin for the party, it was a great gig all the way around.
Chris Wharton instructing Alex on how to keep his tip up, how to be smooth letting line out of his index right finger, eventually getting all the line on the reel so you can play the fish off the disc drag.
I didn’t know much about Pyramid lake from a guiding standpoint so Chris Wharton was excellent and got everyone a fish on and some – a few more…. Way to go Alex Happy 40th, you can thank Liz for this one!! For your 50th, if we are in the USA, I think the Shasta or the Feather River area would be in order. < See Liz & Alex’s Honeymoon story from 2011 in Chile.
Sweet, Lahotan Cutthroat in Pyramid Lake, they are so unique looking, almost prehistoric, a relict left over from the last Ice Age.
Lake Lahontan, during this most recent glacial period, would have been one of the largest lakes in North America. Climate change around the end of the Pleistocene epoch led to a gradual desiccation of ancient Lake Lahotan. The lake had largely disappeared in its extended form by about 9,000 years ago. This lake finally receded and what is left is masses of water like Pyramid Lake which at one time was being filled in several directions and waterways, now merely relying on the daily magic Lake Tahoe delivers and the flows of the Truckee River. Lake Tahoe’s first name was Lake Bigler named after the 3rd Governor of California John Bigler, whose picture is hanging large in State Capitol in Sacramento, last year I saw it on my visit lobbying for rivers in California. Tahoe is a 1st Nation word meaning “Fallen Leaf.” Mark Twain in the 1860’s did not want the lakes name changed to Tahoe and described its name as a sound he thought he made in his daily constitution. lol, Mark Twain’s book Roughing It, is a good read about the Nevada Territory and his adventures out there when Abe Lincoln appointed his brother Orion as Secretary of the New Nevada Territory in 1864. I always have loved Nevada, being that I grew up in Portola, California and was over there exploring the recreation often. I have always loved it’s rivers, lakes and especially its rich history and colorful characters. Pyramid Lake is just another reason to visit and stay in Nevada, it’s a very underrated State in my opinion, and there’s nothing in this state that is underrated, it could rival Texas in my book, why it’s battle born too folks!!
I think you should stick with this sport Marquee, you were hot with 3 fish that day, not bad for your first time ever fly fishing. Then all of the sudden, one of the guys I was near had a trout on and Chris was helping with Marquee so I jumped into action out of love for the trout! After the trout was netted, we held the trout up for a picture and released it quickly unharmed.
It was so great being back in my childhood stopping grounds, just 45 minutes away my dad and I traveled to Reno every Sunday for shopping and occasionally I came up and fished Pyramid Lake once or twice as a kid growing up in Portola.
Can’t beat that hook up and it was really terrific weather that day, like a birthday party if you ask me. Liz, you are the greatest!! What a great wife to do all this for your husband. Hope to see you before 10 years. Thanks again! JT
I sent my husband and his six friends out on a trip with Jack and Chris. Jack is one of the most charismatic people I have ever met. The guys had an amazing time fishing, Jack cooked up a fabulous lunch, and all in all it was the best birthday gift I could give my husband. This is the second time we have been on a trip with Jack and it certainly will not be the last!
Chris Wharton Nevada Trophy Hunts – Whipper Bass – (White Bass rolled in the hay barn with Stripper Bass.)
Get this they named him, Bud Whipper.
Hell yes!! WTHeck is that? A Tiger Trout?? Wow, is this more of this ancient Lake Lahotan Voodoo donut Juju, I mean this stuff don’t exist anywhere else in the United States except with Chris Wharton out in the Nevada Desert, somewhere? Going to be near Reno/Lake Tahoe in 2018… Give us a call, all trips are under $400 USD for One or Two Anglers and it includes gear and a lunch.
Watch those fingers, that’s a Tiger Trout. lol Way to go Chris to find all these interesting places for our clients to fish. You know what I’ve been saying all along, “Two best things in life after 40, seeing your passport get stamped and adding new species.” 🙂
Now it’s time to fly to Chile and check on my guides down there at the tail end of the 2017/2018 season. It’s been a banner of a year with Mattias, Gustavo and Luciano at the helm in the Lakes District and Ben & Rafa in Southern Patagonia. What a perfect season is what I’m talking about, I don’t even remember a marginal trip, everyone had the best of times in Chile with zero complaints. Thanks to great Chilean guides down in their homelands taking care of the tourist.
Breathtaking locations not far from the ocean.
Always a Great bbq lunch with Chilean wine and beverages.
It’s Chile so dress any month for the four seasons in one day.
Atlantic Salmon on the fly is one specie we are after.
Here’s a good story on Chile when you have time –
My guides are simple the best, no one does more DAY trips in Chile, with all the gear and great bbq lunches for an affordable price for 2.
Fly Fishing guide Luciano with our client and a huge Chinook Salmon on the fly rod.
Right, no need we get it buddy, you are going to be a legend in your lifetime. I also heard you tie the most incredible ocean flies out of Florida, good luck on your career in fly fishing son.
Beautiful, Volcano Osorno was a sight when fly fishing in Chile.
Lunch time in Chile is always something to look forward to.
Landing a trout afterwards is better.
Just being out there is always nice, it’s a great place left on Earth and it has to be great – Carola’s from there.
All the great clients this past year sure have loved it and we wanted to thank you.
We look forward to helping folks with day trips and packages for the 2019 fly fishing season in Chile.
Jack and Carola worked very hard to put together a trip to southern Chile for us. They are both very knowledgeable and were able to fit everything we wanted to do within our budget. If you are looking for an authentic experience fishing the rivers and lakes of southern Patagonia then these guys can definitely help!
Tuqui Viscarro is the most famous fly fishing guide in all of Argentina!! So you won’t get him for your guide most likely, but his best friends he guides with, now those are the ones you get for the affordable day trips in Argentina.
If you want Tuqui (Pronounced – Two-Key) – Out of San martin de los Andes – We do day fly fishing trips with gear included if we have your size.
You want to book a week and I would do it soon. 🙂 Jack Trout
Tuqui, he’s hilarious!! Fly fishing guide/ entertainer, revered by all in Argentina.
In Argentina too, so it counts double.
Beautiful browns everywhere you go in Argentine rivers, just in cases you’re short on brownie points…?
Cat Nap… After lunch anyone?
Oh my, dry fly fishing in Argentina, you’ll love it.
We entertain groups up to 6 people on our two country fly fishing package from Chile to to Argentina, it’s 10 days, 9 nights, 7 days fly fishing for $5900 USD per person. Includes lodging and all meals.
And a whole lot of roses!
Hilarious! Guanaco in the road.
Our guides in Catalonia, Spain are having great dry fly fishing for large trout!
This is where we lodge our day trip clients in Girona, Spain, we also provide a local list of restaurants in the area and we can also provide all the fly fishing gear for one day trips.
You will love the historic hospitality of the Pasteral Resort, everyone seems to really like it there and you and your family will too.
Joanso lands another great trout in Catalonia Spain.
Now it’s time to head over in Northern Spain region of Castilla y Lyon where the trout grow big and strong.
Big brown trout on nymphs and dry flies-
The mountains of Hercules & Hemingway are starting to thaw, and as June approaches, the fishing will get better and better, give us a call to schedule your trip, we can provide all the gear and of course the fly fishing and lunches are incredible.
We help beginners to advance in all regions of Spain, best time are May through September.
We are making fly fishing dreams come true and you can’t beat the rivers & the scenery.
Hanging out with buddies and taking in all the great times fly fishing in Spain. Thank you Tyler Brock!
Check out our page >
Jack Trout Fly Fishing International, Has Been Hired By The Bahamas Tourism Ministry To Oversee It’s Fly Fishing Day Trip & Cruise Ship Programs Out Of Nassau & Andros.
The Official Bahamas Day Trip Fly Fishing Guide Service & Outfitter Fly Fishing Gear Provider.
Disney, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Sun, Oceania Cruises. Ponant. Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Silversea Cruises.
We are the #1 Day Trip Fly Fishing Company In the Bahamas, We Can Provide All The Saltwater Fly Fishing Gear.
Sidney Walker was our guide. He was very knowledgeable and a fun guy to be around. I brought my own rod and reel, he provided the flies and leader. We went to Rose Island off of Nassau which was about a 4 mile boat ride from where he docks his boat. He put me on a lot of bones and eventually I caught my first bonefish, Sidney says I am now a “Bonehead”. Caught a few more bones and also landed a few smaller fish and even hooked a Barracuda. We caught some live conch shells and he used the meat for bait. He let my wife fish with that from the boat on a spin rod and she even landed a few bones. Overall it was a solid experience.
I connected with Jack Trout prior to our trip to the Bahamas. I was looking for a reliable guide service who could connect me with a local guide who could take me fly fishing for a couple of days in the area. Jack was very informative and knew a lot about the locations in Bahamas and stayed in touch with me through out my trip. He set me up with a local guide by the name of Sydney Bonefish Walker who took me to some remote islands near paradise island…here is the story…Various aqua colors flecked with white that gives way to teal…there is only the water and and mangroves behind them. There are clouds scudding through the immense blue sky. On occasion an eagle rays pulsing along and turtles breaststroking on hidden currents, sometimes a motionless barracuda. There are skittish jacks, and needlefish, and there are Bonefish: silvery ghosts feeding hard on the tide in the shallows, their dusky tails breaking the surface at the far edge of your eyesight, but you you have to learn how to see. Bonefish Walker is the real deal, he was patient with me, he knew how to read and site the fish and point to the exact direction to cast…the rest is up to you, must be able to do super long casts with subtle presentations, then you better hold on!!! Impressive to see him spot them and point where the fly should be cast, great teamwork!! I booked two days, and the second day was the most productive as I had learned a lot from him on the first day. Jack stayed in touch with me via email and text at all times and coordinated times, locations and pictures etc. extremely responsive at all times.
I look forward to booking my next trip with them!

Rouben is a professor at Chico State University, what a great client. 🙂 Such a nice guy.
So many nice bonefish in one day, what a hoot.
That’s a monster bonefish, what a catch Rouben.
You’ll be back, I am sure !! huge bones just exist all over the place. Now let’s fly to another great place in Central America.. Are you ready??!! Here we go!
Southern Belize, (Really Under The Radar For Saltwater Fly Fishing.)
We are really getting some great snook down in Belize, the saltwater fly fishing has really improved and we have been catching more permit, tarpon and snook than usual. Belize in Central America is an affordable to place to fly fish and have a family vacation ~ SOUTHERN BELIZE – Most plane tickets from mainland USA are about $650 USD or less. You can rent a house on the beach for $120 to $200 + per night. Fly fishing guides are $450 USD for two anglers all gear and lunch included. You can really do a budget week fly fishing for under $2000 USD and eat like a king or a queen.
My loyal and trusted partner in Belize Robert Nunez, got me on top of permit and we landed one. I first met Robert in the spring of 1999, since then we have guided hundreds of happy clients together.
Next we sail to Cuba and hang out with my guides Jesse and Katia Aguilar in Havana, we offer tours and Humanitarian tours that are approved by our State Department, we look after cruise ship passengers and take them to the best places all over the wonderful island of Cuba.
On our tours we like to visit private Cuba citizens in a humanitarian effort to support them as independent business owners & entrepreneurs. Some have waited two generations for this and now there’s an opportunity for the average citizen to own their own businesses and create and have their dream. American tourist want to engage in some humanitarian tours, but they also want to see people who are trying to better themselves with this new lease on life by the government who is allowing private Cuban citizens to own their own businesses out their houses usually. You’ll see the occasional American flag on a hotel with other countries of the world and no one is taking them down. Cuban citizens wearing American t shirts and they aren’t being told to take them off. It’s a raw time in the history between the United States and Cuba, while I don’t agree with the recent changes in policies with Cuba, what we’ve done for 58 years hasn’t worked, we’re allowing our enemies to harbor 90 miles from our shores and that isn’t the Cuban citizens, you all know who I’m talking about. It’s time we change our relations with Cuba, why they are the diet pepsi of communism if you ask me. We could eliminate one of the 4 communist countries through tourism, I mean it was working bigtime and we changed right in the middle of making headway. We are now the 2nd leading country visiting Cuba next to Canada, we over took England last year. Americans tourist don’t care about politics, they want to see Sloppy Joes Pub where sloppy Joes were invented in 1917. They want to see Milton Hershey’s farm and Hershey Town Cuba. Americans want to see Hemingway’s House and what about the money going to the Government, they charge $5 dollars man come on ? They want to see the 25 foot Lincoln Statue in downtown Havana and the Malcolm X Memorial. They want to roam openly people to people in Cuba and see where the cigars are made and where the rum flows free. Americans want the Cuban Government to end the 13% tax on American dollars because we need banking, people run out of money and at this point with all of the Americans going daily there, well… Somethings has to change between US and Cuba relations. I think President Trump could pull a real Ronnie Reagan Grand Move here and say “Cuba, take down that communist wall, it never worked for your people and the USA will finally end its Embargo on Cuba and its people.”
To have Cuba 90 miles from our shores and how we fought for this country in the Spanish American War in 1899 does not make sense? This was our Caribbean oasis during prohibition, many movie stars flocked to Cuba for decades, Americans are wanting it back, normal relations would benefit the people. The only thing the roll back did was hurt American tourist and the average Cuban citizen who waited 2 generations to finally get their private business. From the heart, Jack Trout
Cuba is one of the most beautiful Caribbean islands and it is totally legal for Americans to go there and visit,we can help you if you don’t want to be herded like cattle off the cruise ship, besides they are taking advantage of the State Departments Programs and are charging clients 4 times what we do.
Nice place in Cienfuegos, Cuba
If your travel plans take you to exotic Cuba, then it’s a must to get in contact with Cuba Classic Tours. Ask for Jesse or Katia and your most memorable travel experience will begin as soon as your with them. Their knowledge, professionalism and courteous attention just goes above and beyond. I will definitely plan my next vacation to Cuba and use there services.
City Plaza in Cienfuegos or 100 fires in Spanish.
We had a great time touring around these folks from Texas in our 1954 Chevy Wagoneer, you can go to Cuba. 🙂
Malcolm Neal & his partner, both of the United States in front of the Malcolm X Statue In Havana, Cuba April 2018.
My best friend and I did two full-day tours with Jesse, and got a chance to see most of the beautiful highlights in Old and Central Havana, as well as Matanzas. Jesse was very flexible with our schedule, making sure we got a chance to do everything we wanted. He took us to some of the best local restaurants, and the food was amazing! He and his wife were also kind enough to go out of their way to make sure we got a chance to try the seasonal fruit, mamey, in the most delicious milkshake I’ve ever had! We also got a chance to meet his beautiful family. Jesse’s hospitality is unmatched. I would highly recommend him.
OFAC # CU-2017-349469-1 Cuba Classic Tour Is A Registered Tour Company With The United States State Department & The Offices Foreign Assets, We Have Our America/Cuba Representative who works for us in Havana Cuba.
via mobile
Katia spent 1 1/2 days showing my wife and I Havana. Prior to our trip she provided us a suggested itinerary, which we slightly modified. We toured around in a classic car, except for our walking tour of old Havana. We even had a lovely lunch. Our tour was amazing,learning so much about the history, people, and hopes. No one could have provided a better experience. One last thing, she was so responsive responding to my emails and punctual the days of our tour.
Next we fly far far away…….
Seychelles, Indian Ocean Fly Fishing Packages & Morning Fly Fishing Trips In Mahe Off The Cruise Ship With Our Fly Fishing Guide Bruce Horner.
Raise Your Hands,
Milk Fish – It’s does a body good.
Another great fish to add to your repertoire in Seychelles, kind of near Australia, give us a call for more information.
Pull that Trigger… Fish!!
Indo-Pacific Permit, they count double folks, you need that on your bucket list.
Living Large… Send us your cruise ship itineraries from anywhere in the world and we’ll set up your fly fishing trips. Let us find your fly fishing guides worldwide, that’s our specialty, finding your talented guides.
Fish On, Whoa Look At Him Go!
Wahoo Whoohooo, Wahoo Whoohooo, Wahoo ! After a nice time in Seychelles we’ll get back in this time machine from Orson Wells and fly back to California in an instance to…… Lake Davis, California Where Chris Wharton is out on a guide trip with some other new clients….
Hey, this is my home town lake. Being born in Portola, California my father was a fishing guide and a game warden up here back in the 1960’s early 1970’s. He was also the school teacher up at the elementary school in Portola for 33 years. Sure is great to see big trout being caught again out on this lake.
If you know what you are doing it can be a really great experience out there, of course, right now Chris has been guiding people over around Frenchmen’s Lake.
But you can’t beat the scenery and the fishing on both lakes when the conditions are right.
Nice trout! I got to head over there this May/June and shake a stick! My dad’s bamboo stick he gave me from the 1950’s. Love it!
Chris has got all kinds of tricks up his sleeves, I am his promoter, give us a call to go over details for this or any trips we advertise on this page.
Now that looks fun partner, looking forward to early spring now.
A few secret spots too..
Lunkers galore, we hope to see you out on Davis Lake this spring, summer or fall. Please stay in the towns of Graeagle, Portola and Quincy, they badly need your tourist dollars, plan on taking a trip to Plumas County this year, they need all of us to spend tourist dollars there and help out the locals who rely on spring & summer tourism.
Next we head over near Chico & Oroville, to check out what great fishing Ryan Williams is dreaming up.
Crappie on the fly, like 50 fish days…
Ryan has been saying, “if you get someone who doesn’t want to travel that far and say they want a 30 fish day, like a beginner kid or a family, send them.”
Whoohoo fish on, where’s the sun bock, time to hook another fish, whoa, my arms getting sore..Where’s my root beer..?
He’s knows the secrets of catching huge Largemouth Bass at Clear Lake, He ties his own flies that I have caught shark on in Cuba, huge brown trout in Chile and clients have used to catch exotic species in Costa Rica.
Ryan Williams is the real deal folks!!
Plus a hell of nice likeable guy, I have always said if you don’t get along with Ryan than it’s your fault, he’s a great guy and very humble. A fantastic patient teacher with high standards and ethics while guiding clients.
Cool shot!
Ryan Williams should be on your list of fly fishing guides to fish with, you learn something new from every guide, that’s why you tour around, the same guide starts to smell after the 4th day, kind of like the fish… 🙂
Oh my God, what was that? A record is what I’m guessing…. Ryan!!!
Thanks Ryan for all your loyalty and commitment to the clients that believe in you, you’re all about good in the fly fishing industry and the best all around guide I have every worked with in California. Jack Trout
Next we beam ourselves over to the Pit River, in Northern California.
We are really looking forward to trips on this river this season. It always has some of the largest and most healthy football shaped rainbows for any river you could wade in California. You just look like Joe Cocker when you fishing it. lol Bring spiked boots, a wading staff, it’s slick, but worth it.
Really red stripes on some of these trout and pepper like markings on their underbellies which I always thought was camouflaging for crayfish because they have to occupy tight quarters together? I don’t know
A great place to learn high stick nymphing.
Deschutes River Oregon Stonefly Dry Fly Hatch May – June – July.
Sign up now for drift trips on the Deschutes River in Oregon, a great dry fly & nymphing river.
Catch a one of those famous Red – Side Trout
You can fish out the drift boat and you have to be a good wader, so keep that in mind.
Fantastic rainbows await you, so get out there and thanks for watching another adventure.
The Deschutes River is a great place to fly fish for steelhead, call us to reserve your fall trips.
Many Rivers & Oceans, Jack & Carola Trout – 530-859-8087 or
Remember Mike Fong – His message was always a good one, he gave me my start when he put me on the Charlie West Show in 1995. I will always be grateful. Mike was a kind, good hearted gentleman, his stories and articles on fly fishing were some of the first of their kind and his fans will always have a smile on their faces by the mere mentioning of his name. Until we fish again together in the those streams above the mile high, I’ll be guiding and writing in your honor. Jump’n Jack Trout
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