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Also May 14 to 21st, 2016 on a private yacht in our private section of Cuban ocean.
***June 19th to June 26th, 2016 $4760 per person for the week limit 8 anglers Cayo Santa Maria Exclusive Fly Fishing Grounds hosted by Jack & Carola Trout ***
Click Here For More Information –
As we head into the 4th fall without normal rains or the possibility for snow like we would often see as kids, I wonder what things are in-store for this winter around Northern California. In my mind it’s kind of a make or break year for our state, we might have to change our name to Calvada or something. It’s hard to look at our mother mountain and see her naked as a J-Bird, she in dire need of that white silk dress we call snow. So if you read this, give a thought or a prayer for the state of California, we need rains this winter or the troubles worsen. Now with that, we did receive some significant rains this past week and the steelhead fishing is getting better everyday. I think predict November will be off the charts folks! So we have dates open for me and my guides, Dale, Forrest, Jim, Brendan and Matt, so give a call and reserv your dates for November and Decmber. We have Oct 26th, 27th, 28th & 29th open right now, so call us at 530-926-4540 and have a great fall season,
Jack Trout
September is our slow month, that’s when we slip into some historical duds and move around the state of California telling folks how the McCloud River Rainbow were propagated and transported down to the Southern Hemisphere with the help of Spencer Baird and Livingston Stone. Add a little local history including the Hearst Family Wyntoon Castle on the McCloud River, Wintu Indians and the dams and you got a crowd who is extremely interested in what you’re presenting. It’s a great way for us to share historical knowledge and Carola gets to see our great state on these wonderful road trips that includes 19 fly fishing clubs or historical societies in 2 years. Maybe we could speak at your club, Rotary or group function, just let us know.
Back on the river the floats have been great on the Lower Sac, many beginners who have never fly fished are catching trout and landing them like pros. (With a little help.) My dog Beef is there for moral support!
Rob here loved his day on the Lower Sac and plans to return very soon for part two! Thanks Rob, check out the Trinity River some time, you’ll love it. Well we’ve guided a whole lot of days, let’s go on a road trip Carola, we’ve never been to Portoland Oregon together….. Here we go! jt&ct
Number 1 – Visit Voodoo Doughnuts at 2 locations in Portland. Carola and I loved this place, especially the part where there were no huge lines or weddings going on.
Old juke box got my attention, i sure miss seeing these around.
I love French Doughnuts (Liberty?) At Voodoo, they only use real ingredients, so the maple is real MAPLE and chocolate is just devine. Cheerios? It’s Oregon folks, better ask what you’re buying or you may feel it in 20 minutes…
This town is wacky fun. You can walk anywhere at any hour, the tree lined streets are safe and the downtown area is so cool you can walk to Salt & Straws Ice Creamery or some pizza/pub joint as there is fun every where here in Portland. Also the 30th floor of the City grill is cool for views.
Stay at the Jupiter Motel next to the Doug Fir Lounge, this great place was ranked in the top 33 lounges in the United States. After all those guide trips this summer I was looking forward to some great entertainment and some real big time lounging.
My sexy wife getting ready for the rock concert in our room at the Jupiter, how cool is that.
Portland might be the best little city in America, this city writes it’s own rules and doesn’t act like it’s trying to copy or be like anyone else folks.
The Rosegarden in Portland, a great place to see a venue. A clean city with little or no trash in the streets and the people are even better.
For my first time in Portland, they made me feel right at home, this pub was excellent and right across from the concert.
My wife always brings her Chilean flag, it’s great to see her undivided loyalty for her country as well as a great conversation piece.
The stadium was full when we arrived, we were lucky as we had floor tickets right at the stage.
Foo Fighters were awesome! too bad Dave Grohl broke his leg when he fell off the stage in a previous show, but he made up for it playing for 3 hours 15 minutes straight. This is the former drummer from the band Nirvana from the 90’s, he came out from behind the drums to play lead guitar and sing. makes you wonder if Kurt Cobain never died, would we have heard the amazing good tunes of the band Foo Fighters, who played their first concert together even back in early 2000 in Portland. This was like a home coming of sorts, the crowd sure was pleased to know this!
Then Carola waved that flag and Dave Grohl stopped and looked and kind of laughed at her, it was great! I love my wife, after her family had been tortured and toiled by Dictator Pinochet in the 1970’s in Chile. I always feel proud when I see my baby out there loving life and seeing us get ahead together. It’s good to have a break with my wife like this, then I am all refueled and ready to go when I get back for your special guide trip.
The State Of Jefferson Davis Is Alive Here On Highway 99, In Hornbrook California. (This is just history, we don’t agree with Jefferson Davis or what they were fighting for. I do embrace history and these local facts.)
Hilt was the site where the Knights of the Golden Circle had erected a monument for Jefferson Davis then moved it to Hornbrook Ca.
The Knights of the Golden Circle was a Confederate sympathizer group after the Civil War they hid gold and silver bullion all over the USA for loyalist to have access to money and have the means to buy weaponry. The United Daughters are also apart of this group and so was Secretary of State William Seward & later Jessie James.
Highway 99 was originally called the Jefferson Davis Highway.
Mt Shasta 14,162 Feet Last eruption 1786, the middle peak is the oldest as ancient Mt Shasta had three peaks and was estimated at 18,000 feet. Mt Shasta has erupted 10 times in the last 3500 years and is due to erupt in the next hundred years. My advice from what I have seen in Chile over the past 20 + years is fish hard people 5 rivers I know have been destroyed by volcanoes and ash, some have never returned to being normal. I think this is why this web site is so important, it documents rivers and scenes from this era so our future brothers and sisters can look back and see what direction they are heading into. jt
McCloud River in October is a great place to be!
Catch and release on the McCloud River this fall, what could be better folks!
Love those Port Orford Cedar Trees, they are becoming more and more rare these days in California.
Scott Porter with his first trout on a fly rod is heading down to Patagonia Chile with us this year!
Way to go Scott, look forward to helping you with your trip to Chile and have a nice fall.
Pocket water is always a great place fish on the McCloud River when fishing nymphs.
Confluences also are awesome when looking for trout that might be rising to an October Caddis.
Our new billboard south bound interstate 5 near Dunsmuir.
Brian Von Tress from Chico and his first experience fly fishing was great, he’ll be back in November for more action.
Lower Sac is magic for beginners, that’s where we want to take you.
Fish in the boulders on the Upper Sac near Dunsmuir this fall, there’s trout there for sure.
Guide Dale Langstff and our great client Morgan Potter on the Upper Klamath last week had a great time together!
Daniel Di Cesare from Argentina is on the McCloud River for the first time. The river that sent the rainbows to Argentina between 1904 and 1908 as they were planted there in the Southern Hemisphere during this time.
Yahoo fish on folks!
What a spanker trout, fighting hard like McCloud Rainbows always do…
Nice trout Daniel, your country would be proud of you. Thanks so much for all the good vibes and all the great Argentina meats and wine you brought up from that Argentina store in Dana Point California. The Argentines without a doubt are the best chef’s of beef and lamb in the world. Argentina is to beef what the French are to cuisine, the Argentines know how to prepare meats, that’s for sure.
The October Caddis are alive and strong on the McCloud and Upper Sacramento Rivers right now. I can’t get no Caddisfaction, but I try..
Lovely, zenful, delightful, crisp, clean and majestic, the McCloud River in all its glory.
Dry fly fishing in the fall not over rated!
Lunkers in the Lower Sac, bring it on people!
How’s the Trinity River you ask? It’s doing well, everyday more steelhead coming in and the pressure has been light so far. Though these recent rain storms helped, I think the Middle Klamath is fishing the best in the North State for steelhead.
It’s up to you New York!
Those are racing stripes folks! The Trinity river is a legendary place.
Our long term client Al Hagendorn on the Trinity River with a nice steelhead caught this past week.
Roger Katz of Halfmoon Bay, ladies and gentlemen on the Lower Sacramento River this past week.
His son, Calvin Katz with his first big rainbow on a fly rod is amazed.
That’s great Calvin, you are a hero man! A Jack Trout Perfect, if you ask me.
Come here sugar booger, let’s get you a breath of fresh air.
Still more to come after that for Calvin.
What a great memory with pops and mom, landing those big ole trout on the Lower sac in 2015. Calvin someday you’re going to look back on this when you have children and smile.
That won’t be too hard for Calvin, this is a happy kid being brought up right in California.
Carola’s homemade lunches, the best available in the industry and her Lemon Meringue is simply incredible.
David Wolfle of Reno, Neveada, who fished with me in Chile this past season still sporting camo so the he can sneak up on the steelhead on the Klamath River..
Many many fish on and two great days with he and Megan. Thanks and see you in the spring.
Always great fights and lots of jumps before it gets really cold in December.
Way to go Dave, thanks for coming up and hope to see you in Chile or Cuba soon.
Our client from Puerto Rico, Gabriel fly fishing for the first time in Puerto Natales, Chile. We have a great guide down there you should have guide you.
Great streams and hopper fishing as well as streamers. We can arrange your lodging, guides and anything else you need help with in far Southern Patagonia, Chile.
Nice Brown Trout Gabriel, I am glad you had such a great time down around Puerto Natales, Chile
We can outfit you in Cuba now, check out our site
We are setting up a trip for next spring/summer of 2016, if you are interested in fly fishing in Cuba, please contact me soon.
Jack & Carola Trout * * 530-926-4540 *
Huge Permit and only so many rods can fish each area of Cuba.
Amazing Tarpon that don’t see much fly action.
You can trust me on that one folks!
The final frontier for Americans in saltwater fly fishing. CUBA 2016 with Jack Trout Fly Fishing & Guide Service – May 14th to May 21st, 2016
Call for details. 530-926-4540 Thanks, Jack Trout