Chile & Argentina Fly Fishing Going Great Guns! –
That’s why when Andy Swann comes a calling for another fly fishing adventure with Jack Trout Fly Fishing International of Chile, we take it pretty serious and tie up some great bugs that we know work out on his favorite Chilean River, the Rio Petrohue.
That day fishing was slow in the morning, I think we had 4 trout about this size before lunch and by the look on Andy’s face we could use a stroke of luck to turn this day into another magic fly fishing memory and so we turned the corner up ahead and that it did.
But just as we started to settle in on this salmon that would of gone at least 20 lbs, the tension let up and the salmon was not there anymore, he just threw the hook and Andy unphased reeled up his line and we both looked at each other and wondered, what happen?
Fishing can be like that… You can’t take things too serious at least you had the opportunity… You just pull up the anchor and move on folks, it’s not a perfect science. The best description I ever heard is, “You fly fish because of the places the sport takes you.”
A fish like this can rule your world and take and break you of your pride as an angler. He will mash you up and down the river and laugh in your face as you become weaker and weaker from tension and time, he becomes stronger and stronger from endurance and brute force strength. You’re nothing in his world, at least in the first hour, you’re got a better chance of laying on your couch and landing a Pappa’s Murphy delivery in Chile. They’ve out-ran orca’s, sea lions, nets, you’re not Doogy squat in the eyes of a salmon hooked on a fly. There’s a reason these fish migrate as far north and south as much as 1000 miles or more round trip in their quest of life. And you think you can land one of these on a fly rod? Better bring at a 8 to 10 wt fly rod and you just might have a chance.
But as we made our way to the mouth of San Antonio Creek, another salmon hit our fly and jump out of the water 4 feet in the air and he was at least 25 lbs and silver like a Carson City Morgan Dollar in proof condition. This was no average salmon as he had no intention of giving up even after one and half hours of fighting this beast, he just seemed to be getting stronger.
Last year Andy landed this beauty with my head guide Edgar and things were golden, but this year after two hours fighting another salmon with me, he finally broke off on a log when we were so close to netting the hellion, such is life in the Lake’s District of Chile.
“Jack and Carola Trout are the ne plus ultra of Chilean fishing hosts”

I have flyfished Chile 12 out of the last 13 years, always in Feb or March to miss the biting black flies and school kid crowds. In that time I have had probably 40 different guides in all kinds of boats. This was the first year I wanted to fish both in Chile and in Argentina. I had fished with Jack and Carola one time previous, but just in the Los Lagos area of Chile, headquartered in Pucon, a lovely town. Trout put together a ten day adventure, 5 days each country and made all local arrangements, found places to safely keep his boat at night, provided equipment and instruction for my wife. He and Carola created a fabulous, memorable trip. Lunches on the rivers were spectacular. Their patience and kindness with a learning fly fisherwoman much appreciated. Important to note here, the Argentine web site which one must navigate from home before your trip is not at all clear even to someone who has to speak spanish every day (we live in Tucson). It would have been VERY EASY to have goofed up the Argentinian Reciprocity Fee section of their website and to have been turned away at the border. Carola and Jack took care of all that for us. Carola knows everyone at the border and is friendly with the folks you must interact with who speak a dialect. Jack supplies equipment to the guards so they love him. On crowded days you would have to wait in line outside in the cold, rain, and wind, but not if you are with Jack and Carola. There is no cable, no internet, just a wooden building with a fireplace and you could literally spend a half day there if you were behind a tour bus crossing, with only two guards working. The Argeninians just don’t care. Trout cares. The hotel they arranged in San Martin de los Andes was immaculate, friendly, and we made abundant use of the indoor pool, spa, steam, sauna, and internet. The Argentinian guides and drivers Trout arranged were punctual, skilled, and bilingual. Highest praise for them and to the Trouts for all they did for us. We will be back!
Clyde Robinson, Davida Arambula
Life out our front door in the Lake’s District of Chile, a tumultuous evolving country that still acts as though it is in its infant years as a child as the Volcano Calbuco erupted last in the year 1961. You never know here, you could be in an Earthquake one day and a volcano eruption the next, standard practice here in the world’s longest most thinnest country. (About 3500 miles long and about 250 miles wide.)
I love these German sausages down here in Chile, so great to BBQ up and listen to music out the window as I do! Just doesn’t get any better folks. The lamb here too is so awesome, be sure to check it out while vacationing here.
We eat fish too, but the meats are what it’s all about so if you like what we like, you’ll be in gravy train here in Chile.
The fly fishing wine is called Yelcho, a river I guided on in Central Patagonia until the Chaiten Volcano blew in 2008 and Carola & I left for the Lake’s District region to start a new life and business in Chile. God Bless our daughter Chailyn who didn’t make it through, she would be 6 years old this year, our angel in heaven now.
The flies you will need for streamer fishing in Chile, call me and I can tie you a few folks.
The trout hatcheries that sent trout & steelhead down to Chile from Northern California –
Out on my quest with my loyal companion Beef, in early February trying to find the hatcheries unearthed from low levels at Shasta Lake that sent the McCloud River Rainbow down to Chile and the Southern Hemisphere.
Yes, we did folks, solving histories mysteries, Jack Trout & Beef Dog uncovered relics, artifacts and felt the presence of those before us like Livingston Stone, Myron Green and Joe Campbell. A great man to study who really mapped the western rivers out and tried to make the McCloud River drainage a santuary to no avail was Spencer Baird, my hero! (True United States Legend, not much known about nor acknowledged often in text.)
That’s why we share it with you, someone has to be going backwards while so many others don’t know anything but forward fast play.
Iphone, shucks we’re still using wire tap where I’m from… jt & Beef
We are in Puerto Varas now, a bit earlier than planned. Is it possible to fish tomorrow? Ideally we would have one foursome fish the morning and another the afternoon.
The phones have been frustrating. I cannot return your calls, but I can get through to your California number. Please try my mobile again.
Casandra,with a hook-up at the same time Tucker Kuhn has his hook -up on a lunker trout folks! This was after they tried to cross the Argentina boarder with Hertz Car rentals and Hertz did not tell them you need special insurance, a notarized authorization, plus you now have to pay $170 Argentinian Reciprocity Fee before you hit the boarder and do it online. Very difficult to navigate on their web site and have all this taken care of folks. So they were turned around at the Argentina Boarder with 10 people confused and upset they were’nt going to eat great steaks and drink Malbec wines on this trip. Carola and I hear this all the time, the rent a car places in Chile just don’t care and in this case even knew about it, but didn’t care because they didn’t make any money on it. (Chilean Classic.) This just fries my buns and gets me so upset because, we care and we want to help you folks avoid these pitfalls when you plan your vacation to go from Chile to Argentina, tell everyone you know if you’re traveling to Chile and going over the boarder with a rent a car, call Jack Trout & Carola Trout to make sure all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted.
Otherwise you might be turned away at the boarder also, we can also save you money on airfare with Lan Airlines as we get in house discounts and pass some of the savings onto you.
So then we got a call from Gary Kuhn of Roots of Peace, he had 10 family members that now needed entertaining by fly fishing and tours, he asked if they could start in 2 hours with his son and his girlfreind. I dropped what I was doing and ran and got my fishing gear together while Carola pumped out her incredible lunches. Possible another reason to call on us, we get it folks! When it’s time to cowboy-up and get’r done, we’re just a couple of bronking bucks.
So kick back we’re going to let you see how it all unfolded and there might just be a lesson to be learned here as in life, things happen for a reason, I’ve always thought…. jt ct
Tucker Kuhn landed his first trout on a fly rod and he fought it for 20 minutes, it was a battle for the ages folks.
Now that’s nice big trout in just about any country and I would think that would motivate anyone to take up fly fishing as a passion.
Not the best pic, but you can see what film takes away from a good fish picture, that trout had girth.
Casandra, had great fishing and was fishing the pocket water behind the rocks. The gorgeous glacier water, high in minerals deposits is what makes this river so surreal in color.
In 1869 the Volcano Osorno erupted –
Osorno volcano
Southern Chile and Argentina, South America, -41.1°S / -72.49°W
Current status: dormant (1 out of 5)

Last earthquakes nearby: No recent earthquakes
Osorno volcano is a symmetrical, glacier-covered stratovolcano in southern Chile, rising above Todos los Santos and Llanquihué lakes.
Osorno is one of the most active volcanoes of Chile. Historical eruptions have often produced produced lava flows. Many eruptions have occurred from both summit and flank vents and fissures, the latter mostly on the west and SW sides. Lava flows from its eruptions have reached Todos los Santos and Llanquihué lakes.
While its historic activity was dominantly effusive, many explosive eruptions which generated pyroclastic flows and surges have been identified to have occurred during the past 14,000 years.
Osorno volcano almost exclusively consists of basaltic to basaltic-andesitic lavas, with the exception of 2 small dacitic lava domes on the NW and SSE flanks.
Geology of Osorno volcano
The present-day cone of Osorno was constructed partly above a roughly 250,000-year-old eroded stratovolcano, La Picada, which has a mostly buried 6-km-wide caldera. La Picada underlies Osorno on the NE and has postglacial maars and scoria cones.
Source: Smithsonian / GVP volcano information
After a great time hooking and catching great trout and seeing a huge salmon porpus rigth in front of us, you might launch yourself a big appetite. You know with us, you will always have great food put on the table.
Then Chad and Tim showed up from Texas, possible looking to move down here to Chile in the near future. I gave them a lot of information on the pro & cons and talked about it all from the heart. I Love Chile and my years and experiences down here speaks volumes, but Carola and I will never leave the great old USA for anything! Call me sometime and I can advise you on just about any detail if you are thinking of buying land in a foreign country or thinking of moving due to a changing fever in the United States. Gas alone here is double and almost triple, run away inflation too. But what a great place to raise children and live the USA in like 1950. there’s more folks, corner me in my drift boat and you’ll get the “Rest of the Story!”
I love hook-ups! Most of the fish if not all the trout we caught that day were small, you just never know? It’s not that it’s over fished, it’s a mystery to me that on some days you can’t buy a big fish here in Chile….
We can control the food out on the rivers and we’ll cook you up something great we promise!
The lunch time yaks are what we all like, meeting new interesting folk and trying to solve lives problems out on the river.
Mattias as well as Edgar are two great guides I have work with for years down here in Chile so if you have a group you and you need outfitting give us a call as we are top outfitters down here in Chile. Team Trout Chile is ready for you!
Great food in the final frontier, these are voyages of the our starship enterprise, it’s a 40 year mission, to seek out great fishing and tours in new horizons, to meet new strange lurking salmon and trout, to boldly go where no man has gone before. Well, we like to think so anyway! Trout
Sometimes for me it’s heart breaking when I row my heart out and all we catch are these small trout. Chad said he didn’t mind but when you come this far and have one day to fish, you just never know in Chile. That’s why if you fish here it’s got to be about everything I talked about above or you might be dissapointed.
That day we started at 8:45 am and I got home at 11 pm. It was a long day to say the least but that’s what it’s like here in Chile if you want to survive.
The next day the whole McNear/Thomas – Kuhn Family arrived and we were on it folks! All the gear, food and guides were in order.
Mattias took Ryan Brown and Top New York Vogue & Gap Model Kyleigh Kuhn in his boat, the whole group except Grandpa were complete beginners and that’s how we like it! –
JOHN THOMAS – McNear Family of Petaluma / San Rafael * A true California legendary family.
A dynasty built on hard work, ingenuity and keeping it in the family then spreading the wealth to less fortunate is their secret of success! They helped finance the Golden Gate Bridge Project in the 1930’s.
Capt. Stephen Smith of Bodega dies. There are 1,253 children in 23 Sonoma County schools.Petaluma Journal, owned by Thomas L. Thompson/H.L. Weston, publishes Aug. 18; Petaluma Argus appears 1859; Samuel Cassidy owner in 1860. Sebastopol, originally called Pine Grove, founded by J.H.P. Morris. Fist fight credited for naming of town. Windsor is a small town with a post office, cattle ranching and farms. First “county fair,” a one-day event, is held in front of the courthouse in Santa Rosa. 1856 First courthouse constructed in Santa Rosa. John A. and Clara McNear arrive in Petaluma, operate livery stable and get into river shipping; family becomes major economic force. Sevier Lewis opens first Windsor hotel; facility destroyed in 1911 fire.Rawena Granice Steele, state’s first woman novelist and frequent visitor to Sonoma, begins literary career. <
Heidi Kuhn donates time to benefit Roots of Peace
Heidi Kuhn of Roots of Peace just visited Pope Francis with her daughter. Here she shares a photo and her experience: “Pope Francis is ‘blessing the hands’
We provided a great BBQ lunch in our Quicho por Parrilla’s for this great family. If you want to know how the west was won, look no further than this successful Northern California family that are still making top news as the next generations are coming up in the world now and the torch shall be passed on to many others. We enjoyed thoroughly outfitting and guiding this group and they are now talking about coming up to see us in Mount Shasta in April/ May.
Great fresh food down here in Chile, the way you remember it as a kid.
Yummy folks, I promise!
Gary & Kyleigh Kuhn with my wife Carola. See what this family is doing with the ROOTS OF PEACE ORG, it’s amazing!
The family potrait is always a special occasion and a nice touch.
Kyleigh Kuhn – Gap Model, NY Model and Vogue Child Model.
Little cuttie here too folks, our guide Mattias’s pup, Viento or WINDY.
Father dog Alf, soaking and lounging on a nice summer/ fall day here on the side of the Rio Maullin.
Oh to be a dog that has a true home and a loving owner in Chile, might not be a bad way to come back as, if that’s how this all works out in life or even after? jt
Tucker Kuhn, certainly the fisherman of the family lands another trout folks! he had so much fun and learned a new sport he can enjoy and pass down to others as well.
A really good fight this trout and another notch in the fly rod as each one gets you closer to the top.
The Black Neck Swans of Lago Llanquihue, Chile’s second biggest lake.
The mighty Warriors, ready for their fly fishing adventures! Thank you so much Kuhn family for all the great memories and great business, look forward to seeing you up the Mount Shasta area in April/May.
Next, we got a call from good ole boy from North Carolina named John Kammerer, he’s an expert fly fishing 9 wts for Red Fish between NC and Louisianna but had never caught a trout over a couple lbs. In fact he knew nothing about nymphing or how to mend and other things that I guide people into everyday when I’m out on the water. It was a real hoot, I had one day with him and it was special as we hooked two huge trout and 3 to 4 others that were small.
Check out some of John’s video on fly fishing for Reds –
Charleston/Home fishing: (winter when fish school up in the hundreds) (summer moon flood tides – tailing fish in the marsh) (tailers) (tailers) (tailers alone) (crawling fish at low tide)
Other trips: (Louisianna) (andros, Bahamas) (andros trip – house promo)
John C. Kammerer
Sunrise International, Inc. – “Supply & Service Solutions”
856 Lowcountry Blvd.
Suite #101
Charleston, SC 29464
I put on one of my special flies and this huge trout hit it and the race was on! It was about a 20 minute plus fight and I heard a lot of southern hooting and hollowering, it was hilarious folks.
One big jump in the air and a lot of resistence on the reel as it screamed out line and we heard our favorite hit single, “Reel Sing.”
He stood over in the corner to try to wrestle the beast into the slack current and little by little he made some progress on the trout originally from the McCloud River in Northern California.
As he said, it was a real good hang and we were similar in age, it was like we were from the same tribe even though we “HUNG”on different coasts as kids.
A nice 5 to 6 lb trout was then presented for a photo.
A true Vogue Model too if you ask me, a face only a true angler could love!
This called Chilco in Chile, I love these flowers that grow everywhere here in the south.
Lunch time is always special here in Chile and we want to do it up right for you so tell what you like. Lamb, fish, shrimp, king crab, steaks. Just let us know and we’ll cook it up for you.
Wow, Jack, u did get some great pixs! Thanks for that man. You should be proud as that unforgettable experience with a very nice fish for me was your doings brother. I appreciate it as I know u know…the fishing with my first big rainbow but also THE HANG. And what a lunch and all squeezed in the same day before a flight back to US. The bomb!!
I will revert with some of my pixs of you and some videos of fishery I live in.
You ‘da man!
Cheers, John Kammerer
More from John –
FYI, here is my story giving to all the top guides and anglers here in Charleston…
Making the most of it and with THE guy in Chile.
After 3 days at a business conference in the fishing meca of Chile, Puerto Varas, I could not stand it any longer and flagged down a guy hauling a drift boat on the street who turned out to be an American guru guide so I skipped the last day and went fishing with him. How could I not, after all the guy’s real name was Jack Trout, has fished in Chile for many years and had all the simms gear in all sizes ready to go. As Jack said, life is all about the ‘sky pilot’.
After the fish would not eat midges, a 7 lb rainbow immediately ate Jack’s so called Maybelline egg, made a jump then took almost 30 minutes to land as these fish are bionic from living in heavy currents which gave me an entire new respect for freshwater fishing. With no time to spare, Jack still arranged for an unforgettable lunch with some primo Chilean wine and pork chops, veggies and rice cooked on ground at the base of a volcano. Jack then got me back to airport after two hours of winding roads just in time to board the plane. Now that’s living – it’s not only about the great fishing he produced, but the amazing hang! Go to Chile and let Jack Trout make your dreams come true, planned or not, he is your man!
Gold Coins Found in Northen California Couples Property.
The scene out my door at the house we rent here in Chile, it’s pretty breath taking.
I love doing BBq’s here, the meats are so fantastic especially the lamb and beer!
“Amazing fly fishing expererience”

Went with my wife in a cruise ship down to south América and contacted Jack by email. He’s very professional and great guide. My wife was first time Fly fishing and she catched a 5 pound Brown trout. He explained us how to cast for best resoults and was an excellent guide. He got us on time back To The ship.
Luis & Angeles called us and were arriving on the cruise ship in Puerto Montt so I only had a few hours to fish them.
We caught a few of these smaller trout like usual and being it was Angele’s first time fishing, she didn’t care what size they were, she caught a fish on a fly rod!!!
Then she casted out this amazing cast very near the trees and I saw a dark object rise to the surface slow and long, I thought it was a branch of a tree and we were right near the take out as this was their last casts. Amazed and excited when we finally realized it was a huge Brown Trout that ate her fly and the fight was on! Angeles with her prize catch before they got back on their cruise ship. She and her husband Luis own this fine restaurant in a city south of Mexico City called Puebla, we plan to visit there, maybe you should too. jt & ct –
Luis & Angeles Mexican Restaurant in Puebla, Mexico about 70 miles south of Mexico City.
Very safe tourist area and lots of history and culture, we plan to visit them. Jack & Carola Trout
Looking out my door, things looking pretty good here in Chile, hope to share it with you some day.
All the best from Chile, Jack & Carola Trout – Team Trout Guides International
530-918-8879 Cell phone in Chile, local for calling from USA *
Imitating the Pancora Crabs of Chile & Argentina is a hobby of mine, Jack Trout
March 24, 2014
Dear Jack,
The Flycasters of San Jose would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous guided trip donation in support of our Annual Dinner and Conservation Fundraiser, held on February 1st in Cupertino. This event has become the largest of its kind in our club history and is a major success, thanks in part to support from donors like you. All proceeds from the event will go into the Marty Seldon Conservation Fund in support of trout and steelhead restoration efforts throughout California. I have enclosed a brief summary of the stream conservation programs that we are supporting. It was a fun and exciting evening for all who attended.
The guided trips and fishing destinations were the most effective money fund raiser for our auction. The winning bidder on your trip was Les Page, who will be contacting you in the next few months to set up the fishing trip.
Please note that our Flycasters web site ( lists all donors to our Conservation Fundraiser and club members are encouraged to support them.
Thank you once again for your support of the San Jose Flycasters! Sincerely, Ken
San Jose Flycasters
Ken Imatani
San Jose Flycasters
March 24, 2014
5:30 PM
Mt. Shasta Community Building
629 Alder StreetRepresentatives from Crystal Geyser, including Richard Weklych, Vice President of Marketing, are expected to be in attendance at the upcoming City Council Meeting. Additionally, Peter Rude, civil engineer, and Martin Barackman, hydrologist from CH2M- Hill as well as Jeff Zukin, hydrologist, from Geosyntec will be present.Other organizations sending representatives include the Siskiyou County Economic Development Council, Cal Trout, PACE Engineering and Northstate Resources.According to City Manager, Paul Eckert, the meetiing will include both presentations and question and answer periods. There will also be a public comment period at the end of the meeting.We encourage you to attend this meeting to voice your concerns regarding this project!