Call A North State Guide & Do An Extra Day, We All Need It To Make It Through The Winter, Call On New Guides.
NO MORE SMOKE IN SHASTA * NO MORE SMOKE IN SHASTA * NO MORE SMOKE IN SHASTA * Because Of This Fishing Is Fantastic, No One Fished For Two Months Get Up Here, Fires Are Out Now.
So what do you do when the fires come and you have nothing to do but wait because it’s too smoky outside and you’re a fly fishing guide? You start inventing and tying productive bugs… You hope.
Captain America! Imitates nothing, I was inspired by Marvel Comics legendary hero, the jury is still out stay tuned.
We all know the state flower of California is the Golden Poppy and the state bird, Mountain Quail and the state rock is Serpentine. So I thought to myself one day, well there isn’t a state of California fly for fly fishing, why not create that? So I call this the California Golden State Fly with Golden Gate Bridge Collar. This fly works, me and clients have caught several trout on this great fly ties for California rivers. Maybe one of you fly tiers can tie the dry fly version for our State of California, but this is my nymph version, pretty easy to tie.
Very easy fun – effective fly to tie and use out there on north State rivers, good luck.
Richness worth a second cup, Partner.. Ok, now ready to tie another bug, I got a buzz!
Rubber legs are always good to have in the box, they work on all North State rivers in California and all over the world for that matter. You can’t go wrong tying these up, she’s got legs and she knows how to use them. Stone flies are the prime rib dinner choice of the most finicky trout, serve them up ala tartare.
Ryan Williams California Trophy Bass Lakes, Feather River Steelhead & Lower Sac Legend.
Bass on flies on Clear Lake, he invented fly fishing for bass on Clear Lake and made it a reality folks, no one else can touch his reputation as the PREMIER FLY FISHING BASS GUIDE IN CALIFORNIA RYAN WILLIAMS. The rest are just riding on his coat tail and claiming all kinds of things, but Ryan was the one that made it happen on the water first and not on paper. True story, Jack Trout
(Happy Client of Ryan’s showing off his Large Mouth Bass on a fly.)
I love this kid, he is so honest and such a great Human Being, I have never had a client not totally say, “This guy is a superstar guide!” Way to go Ryan and thanks for pioneering bass in California in very tough unheard of on a fly places.
And another folks! It just doesn’t get any better than 40 fish days with Ryan Williams in his element.
Every client with smiles on their face and catching huge bass with lips like Greta Garble.
All these bass we catch are on all of Ryan’s flies, he can teach you how to tie these bugs, give us a call. He also guides for striper bass.
That’s so cool, I mean when their that size and you catch like 20 +, might want to do a trip on the Lake Oroville and head up and fish with my guide Zach on the North Fork of the Yuba River with Jack Trout Fly Fishing afterwards.
Ryan Williams A True North State Fly Fishing Legend Guide, Fly Tier and River Protector.
Babe Ruth Came To Dunsmuir – Read my story
Have girls come a long way from their dressing styles & trends, things are a little more tighter these days, you think? You wonder what these ladies would say about today’s dress? I know what Babe Ruth would say.. lol jt
Travis Ortiz Is Superstar Guide Burey Area, Fall River, McCloud River, Lower Sac & Klamath
When you get your pops out, now that’s going to be a memorable day folks. With Travis Ortiz guiding, you know you’re going to land some quality trout. I enjoy thoroughly guiding with this champion of anything he touches.
On group outings, no one serves up a better BBQ LUNCH – on your family, corporate or group fly fishing adventure trips. We like to cook up tri-tip with Argentine chimichurri sauce or Chilean Chicken, our lunches have been described as the best in the industry. We aim to please!
Always like to catch one last trout before the take out. lol
Thank you for coming up and bringing the family! Many rivers to you, Jack Trout & Team Trout Guides
Mount Shasta – Lake Tahoe – Gold Country – Reno – We got a great fly fishing day trip with gear and a great lunch. We are the Fly Fishing Crossroads of California Hwy 89 & 49 © – We are Jack Trout Fly Fishing in our 25th year.
Call or email for your free Jack Trout Fly Fishing Hat, that’s right free and a couple of stickers too, then they call it swag. lol
Fall fishing on the McCloud river not awesome, dry fly fishing is spectacular and w are catching trout daily.
Quin McDowell Fly Fishing Guide on the Upper Sac & McCloud Rivers is getting everyone into trout!
This is great Quin is studying to be a hydrologist at the College of the Siskiyou and guiding for us on the side. Quin has been fishing most of his life and has had nothing but productive trips. We would like to thank the USFS Mount Shasta office for allowing us to have independent contractors. In the Plumas National Forest, they will not allow us to do this over there, so I cannot hire fly fishing guides from Feather River College?
Beef dog now 15 years old folks.
See you out on the Upper Sac, the dry fly fishing is spectacular right now.
Cave Springs Resort, when you come to stay in Shasta area, this is sportsmen headquarters, you can say hi to my good friend for 26 years, Louie Dewey. He also rents out homes on the river folks and is a wealth of area knowledge and rumors. He starts a lot of them by 11 am each day around Dunsmuir and we love him for it! 530-235-2721 Shasta Area Lodging & Rumor Hotline and most rooms and cabins are well under $100 per night. LOUIE DEWEY DOESN’T RENT ROOMS, HE RENTS ROOMORS, GOOD PAST CLIENTS INVENT WITH HIM, LASTING MEMORIES FOLKS, WE MISS YOU GIVE US A CALL. lol
Little jack caught in the Lower Klamath river, things are really getting active on the coast of California & Oregon, call us for up to the last minute updates as all of our guides are guiding their daily and we can get info for you.
Great sea run cutthroat fly fishing action in the Klamath Estuary, we have had the best season ever for the cutties!!
Caught with my guides on the Lower Klamath on September 25th, 2018.
Chris Wharton’s Nevada Fly Fishing Trophy Trout Hunts
Chris Wharton, Nevada’s big trophy fish hunter – Pyramid Lake Opens Soon, Truckee River both Cali & Nevada and the Nevada Trophy Lakes have all been fly fishing fantastic, you need to diversify and head over to Nevada like Mark Twain, you’ll be Roughing It, but you will survive partner. Just be careful in the afternoon for the high winds caused from the Washoe Zephyr that Mark Twain first describe in this book, especially if you live on Park Street in Reno Nevada And Your Covered By All State Insurance.
Inspire Kids To Spend More Time In The Outdoors Like We Did As Kids.
Nevada Trout with the Sierras in the background, you need, you need…
Exotica exists in Nevada and you can head afterwards over to Virginia City and dress up in 1800’s costume like me and Carola do and head over to the Bucket of Blood Saloon on a weekend and hang out with many others who dress in vintage era clothing. I like to dress up around 1862 when Samuel Clemens made it out to Nevada with his brother Orion, later changing his name in Virginia City to Mark Twain and then he went to work for the Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City and made that paper the most important news paper from Chicago to SF in his era – 1862 – to 1868. After some local town drama, he left the Carson area and headed out for California and learned more lessons that would help shape his writing style and career as a novelist. Yea, Nevada has to be my favorite state when it comes to history, I can honestly say in my eyes, California history takes a close 2nd place to Nevada. You might think the same friend after you fish over there and follow my trails I’ve covered in my lifetime.
So you like 20 lb trout on fly rods? Then you’ll love Pyramid Lake.
Oh, so you’ve never caught a Lahotan Cutthroat? We’ll give us a call you are over due friends.
Dogs Are Here As Free Health Club Instructors Letting You Know Once Again It’s Time For Exercise.
Tiger Trout in the Nevada Dessert? Whooohoooo, you’re getting closer Sizzlers!
Huge rainbows in places that look like Coyhaique Chile, that’s right. Monsters is what were talking about, the next time you’re in Reno. (Every 2 years. 7 months on average most people visit Reno. We get major discounts on lodging in Reno, let us set up your lodging too. )
Jack Trout Fly Fishing Is All The Way To Reno Now! Mt Shasta To Reno, Nevada. (Play this song for 1st half)
Tigers, watch those fingers Chris, there vicious and their fins have claws.
Back at Pyramid lake, everyone’s grandpa is catching huge cutthroat trout in a lake that gets its water backwards from Lake Tahoe where it empties into the desert floor with no outlet? Who thought of this? Many lakes in Nevada are just that, a mystery and then all these trophy trout that exist within those boundaries..
And now you have the rest of the story.. This is Paul Harvey..Good Day!
Wow, what in the hell is this? A White Striper Bass you say Chris? How about we name him Bud Whipper, since we found that budweiser can when we pumped his stomach… lol
Invest In Portola California, Flipper Town USA.
Less than an hour from Tahoe, the next big boom will be in that area of Plumas County, Portola is the Place.
We are the California Fly Fishing Smith River Experts
Amazing the Smith river in California and its natural scenic beauty.
Two nice pics – just feel this amazing river with no dams what so ever!
Right? This is a good river to go visit around November/December, give us a call. 530-859-8087 jt
A lot of crazy colored streamers get steelhead’s attention in this river.
Hello Human Kindness, Hello Smith River… I’d rather be fly fishing swinging flies.
Places like this you can actually see steelhead and salmon, it’s amazing the color of this precious river.
This picture reminds me of a section of the Petrohue River in Chile in the Lakes District.
Hook up in the tail out, wow this is a huge steelhead that ultimately ended up getting off, but the fight was incredible and five jumps and he was off..
The perfect spot to swing flies for steelhead folks.
Not this one and it was as silver as a Carson City Morgan Dollar.
I Call On You, The Generation Coming Up, Be Bolder Than The Previous Generation Protecting Our Rivers, Salmon, Steelhead & Trout, The Criminal Element Has Advanced In Their Dastardly Deeds.
We won’t tell anyone….
Looks like a good place to me, give a strip now….
Nothing for hours but right before dark…. Hook up!
Oh yea, that’s a great hook up folks!
In California Rivers We’ve Lost Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Kokanee Salmon, Bull Trout & Stone Trout. Silver Salmon Are Endangered. What Are Water Districts & Farmers Doing So The American Public Are Not Just Eating Bass In The Year 3000?
Steelhead is fastly approaching us the first week of October and on the coast of California & Oregon it’s already started.
We guide on all sections of the Klamath river, give us a call to secure your dates.
Another season is approaching on the Trinity river, we can’t wait to start hooking monsters like this again.
Travis Ortiz and my Trinity Guides will have you dialed this steelhead season.
What a beauty! She’s back and this time she wants you. lol
The Problem With California Water Isn’t The Farmers, It’s The Greedy Water Districts That Have Never Learned To Share And Look Towards Creating Wins/ Wins For The Farmers & the Salmon. It’s American Greed At Its Finest, Profits Over Everything, Even Their Own Investors. Wondering Who That Could Be?
We offer trips on both the Nevada & California Truckee River fly fishing guided trips with all gear included and a great lunch.
We specialize in beginner couples and my guide Chris is the best.
Dave Swanson and his daughter had a great trip last week on the Truckee river a great place to drive to after fishing with us in another region in two states.
Fished the Truckee River in late August, which isn’t prime time but it was the time that worked for our schedule and Jack Trout teamed with an expert for the Truckee to make it a great experience. It is a beautiful river but not an easy wade so be sure to wear boots with cleats and bring a wading staff. Our guide, Chris, was remarkably knowledgable and we learned a few new tricks which will be our new best practices when fishing similar waters. We did a half day guided trip which was a success but it had us longing for a bit more. The greatest part of this trip was being introduced to some new techniques in terms of set up and presentation. If you go, be ready to learn and take some notes for future use.
We guide the North Fork of the Yuba River.
We host fly fishing in the towns of Donnieville, Sierra City & Packer Lake Lodge. Some also stay in Graeagle or drive over from Portola.
Nature Is The Only Thing In Life That’s Perfect, Everything Else Is Naturally Imperfect.
California Farmers Feed The Nation of America, Let Us Be Blessed This Last Supper, A Fish Dinner As Equally Important.
1968 to 2018 – October Marks The 50th Year Anniversary Of The Wild Scenic Rivers Act In California
Governor Browns Signs AB975 Into Law In California
Dear Governor Brown, AB 975 Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.
My name is Jack Trout, I have been a fly fishing guide in the State of California, up in Mount Shasta for 26 years and have spent extended time both fly fishing and guiding wild and scenic rivers in California. It is key that we hold some things in this great state sacred. I guide on rivers where we float our clients, no one wants to see buildings out on these special designated scenic river places that are unique and cherished by all who come to witness it. Also because of the kids these days and technology, special designated rivers will remind families of the right places to come and sportsmen can have a special place to come and forge fond memories. I am concerned for our youth as they need places to go that are not man made. That only out in the forests is where people can reboot the intel pentium processor in their brains and get back to modern civilization soon after. These kids are not teenagers these days, they’re screenagers and they are driving faster then their windshields, they need places they can go to be out with nature and go back in time. I really attribute a lot of the violence and disturbing feelings that the youth have more and more these days to not being in the outdoors, you know 150 years ago we spent 90% of our time in the outdoors. This is a good bill and it’s fair, based on how you helped us on the McCloud river with Nestle Water and their poor plan, this is a good one that will protect rivers that are designated against unwanted encroachment, but only on wild and scenic designated rivers so it does little impact on loss of jobs. So thank you in advance Governor for helping many future generations of Californians and their families discover the benefits of why we as California’s don’t think like they do in the East, we value our water, air and most of all our wild and scenic designated rivers and their systems.
Many rivers to you, Jack Trout
— at California State Capitol.
We passed AB975 Wild & Scenic Rivers Act added designations SB854 for the Molkelumne River and was added as Wild & Scenic Designated on a state level, now we need to secure its safety federally. With a little help from my friends at the Friends of the River, we’ll get’r done folks!! I really think all fly fishing people and guides should move their support over to the Friends of the River, unfortunately groups like Cal Trout have sold out folks and support clubs over giving the Westlands Water District a ration of hell for buying the Bollibokka Club out from underneath the Nature Conservancy? That was the one that got away from every Californian, the Bollbokka Club on the McCloud River was lost to the Westlands Water District on Cal Trout’s Watch. Anyone working with Westlands or for Westlands Water District should be ashamed of themselves they are as greasy as it gets, they make movies about companies like these. I have given up on some that play favorites based on heritage and family names over grass-root supporters trying to get the Westland Water District the Darth Vadar’s of Rivers off the McCloud river. It could of been done if we had support from the organizations we all rely on. This is why I now support Friends of the River to look out after California rivers. I have asked over and over for years for help getting the NATIVE BULL TROUT REINTRODUCED ON THE HEARST PROPERTY ON THE UPPER McCLOUD RIVER WHERE THE SPRINGS ARE COLD COMING OUT FROM ANCIENT AQUIFERS DIRECT FROM MT SHASTA. THE PROGRAM WAS GOING GREAT UNTIL THE TOXIC CHEMICAL SPILL OF 1991 ON THE UPPER SAC AND THE PROGRAM WAS DEFUNDED. SINCE THEN HELP BY ANY ORGANIZATION HAS BEEN NON-EXISTENT.
We could get native Bull Trout from the Metolius River in Oregon and bring them down to the Upper McCloud, a very similar piece of river and get those Bull Trout reintroduced, what do you need your heads examined, this should of been done years ago? Instead, the DFG was stocking browns and brooks, that was dumb? We need our native fish back in the rivers they were born in and belong. All the guides should consider Friends of the River as they have our backs in the future. F.O.R. are way more influential then Cal Trout on a Government level as we do actual drop-ins as a group at the State Capitol, we never did that. This is why in my opinion Friends of the River is my choice as the go to organization for protecting rivers and streams in California, they deserve our support. They have promised not to let companies like Westlands and others to infiltrate Friends of the River like other organizations they join to secretly influence decisions. I want to kick Westlands in the future right where it counts the most in their diversions and dams, so I have chose to take the Government route to do this. I’m really looking forward to the next 20 years, I love a good fight against ex-felons like Westlands Water District & Tom Birmingham.
(Never forget this, Retired Judge Rick Sims of Sacramento out in my boat, “Jack, the Westlands Water District tried to infiltrate the Department of Fish & Wildlife Commission with a mole so they could influence water decisions in the State of California, luckily we got word before this could became a reality.”)
This is what burns inside of me to make a change, unfortunately any organization can be influenced by these water profiteers, I speak for the rivers only. Jack Trout
(Molkelumne River Now Designated Wild & Scenic River California as of June 2018.)
Many rivers to you, Jack Trout
Tom Birmingham, the Darth Vadar of Rivers California & former head of Westlands until he was exposed of his illegal activities by the SEC. $50,000 fine by the SEC. The only one that lost was the McCloud River, Pay your fine Vadar of rivers in California. jt
Hammer Time, Can’t Touch This! JT
California Water District to Pay Penalty for Misleading Investors
Washington D.C.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged California’s largest agricultural water district with misleading investors about its financial condition as it issued a $77 million bond offering.
In addition to charging Westlands Water District, the SEC charged its general manager Thomas Birmingham and former assistant general manager Louie David Ciapponi.
Darth Tom Birmingham talking to SEC Official who is surprised he had approached him as he was guilty as J-BIRD.
Tom Birmingham’s & Westlands Fargo Movie Moment.
Great organization we all need to belong to and support. Click on their banner. jt
October 6th, marks the 50th year of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act in America that protects and reserves sections of rivers for public recreation, fish habitat as well as building encroachments and allows for the recovery of endangered salmon, steelhead and trout. 1968 to 2018 – Jack Trout
We are looking for guides and people to raft and drift the Wild and Scenic Sections on The Lower American On October 23rd, 2018, SEE YOU THERE, CALL FOR MORE INFO. Many Rivers, Jack & Carola Trout 530-859-8087
California’s Wild & Scenic Designated Rivers
- Amargosa River
- American River (Lower)
- American River (North Fork)
- Bautista Creek
- Big Sur River
- Black Butte River
- Cottonwood Creek
- Eel River
- Feather River
- Fuller Mill Creek
- Kern River
- Kings River
- Klamath River
- Merced River
- Owens River Headwaters
- Palm Canyon Creek
- Piru Creek
- San Jacinto River (North Fork)
- Sespe Creek
- Sisquoc River
- Smith River
- Trinity River
- Tuolumne River
- Molkelumne River as June 2018 *
All Of Us Guides Don’t Care What Your Political Preference Is, Protect Rivers In California Or You Can’t Get In Our Boats. California Rivers, Salmon, Steelhead & Trout Know No Political Party.
Play this song as you read this next section – This is a great song I like, reminds me of a modern day Doors, No STP.
Costa Rica River Fly Fishing Jungle Trips
Fly fishing in Costa Rica is a real hoot and we have some of the best fly fishing in all of Central America on rivers fly fishing.
You’re going to love this trip, possible with your gal and get this, $375 USD per day for two anglers, with gear and lunch included. Happy Days folks, you don’t have to work for Wall Street to buy a day trip from us.
How about this trophy sized Machaca that engulfed a black and white bird poop fly and later we hooked a smaller one on a rose pedal fly. These fish like to eat flowers and bird droppings, especially with bird seed or better yet corn.
Now there’s a challenge for any fly tier, mixing in those multi colors at the vice and making it look like crap.
Good luck.
Whooohooo, did they have a great honeymoon or what! Yea, Team Trout !
Want To Get Kids Off Their Devices, Put Them Out On Uneven Ground And Tell Them To Run For Their Lives.
Romania is the place to fly fish if you find yourself in Southern Europe, you’ll like our guide George and he’s not a Vampire as someone asked me a few weeks back, you’ll like the River Avrig and some of the tribs we fly fish on with small wt rods and dry flies.
That’s a small window to cast in from that distance… Impressive Craig!
Nice hook up Craig, and this small river is perfect for a 2, 3 or 4 wt. rod. Little cutie pies, but on sm wt rods it’s a real hoot and you will love the scenic beauty and the mountain ranges of the Carpathian Mountains and Natural Parks all over Romania.
Hats off to Jack Trout for setting me up with excellent fishing for native Brown Trout in Transylvania, Romania, through Fly Fishing Romania with top-notch guide and rod builder (Tightloops Fly Rods), George Minculete . Though the focus of the trip with my wife was horse riding through the Carpathian Mountains, I managed to sneak in a day of fishing with George on a gin-clear small stream filled with obliging Brown Trout. A mid-afternoon rain shower provided the opportunity to sample some excellent Goulash, washed down with locally-brewed Ciucas beer on tap, before we hit the stream again for more trout on dry flies. George did a great job and I enjoyed the entire day. If Jack Trout can help put me onto trout in the middle of Transylvania, he can probably assist in finding you fish to catch anywhere on the planet!
We also offer one day fly fishing trips in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, we can make anything happen, let us know.
Romania also sports grayling in some of their rivers.
Some of other rivers are much larger, Romania offers the dry fly fishermen a unique opportunity in Southern Europe. We Have day trips available when you’re ready folks, let your friends know please, we have worked hard to find these quality guides and set up affordable fly fishing worldwide with everything included. The way it should of always been.
Romania Red, it’s a new color folks, only that great country could invent. jt
More info & pics next story on fly fishing Spain, our client Drew Watson just reported he had 10 trout with our guide Joan near Girona, Spain on September 5th, 2018.
Hey jack. I had such a great time w Joan. The fishing was a bit tough. I caught 10, this being the biggest. I missed 2 hard strikes so I had my chances. I can’t say enough about Joan. Thoroughly enjoyed my day w him. What a great guy.
Are you going to be able to set me up with some awesome bass fishing in Napa in November?
Cuba Classic Tours # 1 Tour Company On Tripadvisor For Safe Legal Cuban Travel – Our 4th Year!! Thank you for your referrals.
Cuba Fly Fishing Guides


Murdered in Argentina (Jack Trout Mystery #1) by Dianne Harman
Another hit by Dianne Harman with this Jack Trout cozy mystery. Carola and Lisa,

Jack got me setup with my guide for the day, and Eloy put in the work to get me my fish. I’m a novice flyfisher on the salt, but had caught bonefish previously so I met up with Eloy the day before to gameplan. I told him, I wanted a permit.
The conditions, for my day were really tough. Totally overcast made it very VERY difficult to see fish before we spooked them, but Eloy persisted and he got me on my permit. Caught several other species, including bonefish. Also had several chances at tarpon, one of which was as big as me. Lol. What a great experience, can’t wait to return and get my grandslam done on a sunny day.
All areas of Belize we have THE lowest prices for fly fishing day trips. $450 for two anglers includes all gear and a great lunch.
Tarpon Eddie Van Halen, so cool Atomic Punk!! Love that song bro. jt
Oh the dad and son extraganza, how can you beat that memory, you just can’t. The ones with pops count double and so does the smack in the boat, simple hilarious – simple pops. Jump on that ban wagon folks, times a tick’n. Kids need us more than ever, get them out there, off screen auditions – the improvs of life that build character. When these kids realize that nature is their best friend, not sheltered shaded lurker games, you’ve done your job. We’ll do our job when you come see us. Jack Trout Fly Fishing International, we’re more than a company, we want to help shape the future by committing to healthy growth for our kids and the rivers.
Day Trips Fly Fishing In All Areas Of Tortola British Virgin Islands
Come on it’s time to take a trip you haven’t ever been before, BVI and Tortola, it’s wonderful there.
Day trips in the Bahamas are going great, we service all areas and all islands in the Bahamas.
Our guide Sidney will get you into bonefish and tarpon regularly, we also provide all the gear always and have all the flies. I even like to tie a few just for fun for your trip. Give me a call and we can BS about it. jt
Thank you for making us the #1 fly fishing company in the world on Tripadvisor, not Orvis. We never charge people East Coast prices for fly fishing. Step aside orvis, there’s a new sheriff out West.
Jack Trout Fly Fishing International, The Robin Hood’s of Fly Fishing. ©
Many rivers to you Jack & Carola Trout – Team Trout International Guides
Cake- Great Band from Sacramento, California. These are our clients we guide – and he’s going the distance….