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MARCH * APRIL * MAY * JUNE – 530-926-4540
Cuba Tarpon Belize Permit Pyramid Lake Cutthroat
Chetco River Oregon Steelhead Sandy River Oregon Steelhead Spain Pyrenees Zebra Trout
Romania Transylvania Dracula Trout Brazil Peacock Bass Argentina Golden Dorado
Yuba River Steelhead Middle Fork Feather River Trout Lower Klamath River Steelhead
Lower Feather River Steelhead
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Spring time is a time of year when I get many kids out with their parents wanting to learn how to fly fish. I like to take people to the McCloud Reservoir for terrific fishing opportunities. Small flies work great out in that lake and numerous types of methods do as well. We catch them on dries, streamers and nymphing depending on what’s happening. This lake has a great May Fly PMD hatch daily in the spring and is loaded with wonderful McCloud Rainbows, we like to practice catch and release.
Even Beef Dog is trying to get in on the action, when the trout are biting you can count on Beef being there with you 100% in every chomp!
Nothing better than a Man, a fish and his dog! Learning how to fly fish out and about on the waters of the Shasta Cascades has been a pleasure and a privileged for over 23 seasons. Here at Jack Trout Fly Fishing International, we look forward to a great 2016 season.
The new boat is doing great, we plan to put an 8 mm clear seal cover over all the art work and this should help protect it from weights and things that might scratch the wrap, but we’ll just have to see. It’s like something you never use to protect it from what? This boat will run its coarse of time, that I can guarantee, whether or not the art work can hold up, that is the question.
Lower Sac was so low that day, we decided to do some wading and hook a few trout on nymphs.
You can catch trout both wading or floating the Lower Sac, but there’s nothing like pulling up on a gravel bar and getting out and doing a little spring time wading.
I had two brothers contact me Brian and Sean who wanted to come up a learn a little more about fly fishing.
Brian hooked up immediately and was catching nice trout with his bro, all day long. The weather has been so terrific and so has the spring time fishing.
Now that’s a nice trout in any country! Way to go Brian, hope to see you up soon, the rafting fly fishing season has begun now.
Look at that little philly, she should star in her own reality tv show, Pure Pisces. That’s one sexy trout.
On the hot days in and around Redding California, it’s best for the trout if you really revitalize them by taking the time to be sure the trout is ready to be released and isn’t just going to swim off and fold.
I think it’s perfect conditions right now for fly fishing on the Lower Sacramento River, give me a call to schedule your trip 530-926-4540 Trout hotline.
Another lunker for the road!
I know they are out there some where….
There it is! It’s Moby Dick!! Whoohooo!!
Way to go Sean, what a great hook up.

“An amazing float down the Lower Sac”
Reviewed 1 week ago
We had an unforgettable experience with Jack Trout and it was flawless from the very start. I emailed Jack about a doing a trip on the Lower Sac while I was out in California to visit my brother. Jack called me back right away, answered all my questions, and scheduled us a trip for early April.
We met early that morning at the river- Jack and his dog Beef showed up with his beautiful custom painted boat and my brother and I knew right there that we were going to have a blast…this boat is SWEET.
Jack came with all of the gear poles already rigged up, so we got out on the water immediately.
I am a beginner fly fisherman and my brother has never been, so Jack took some time to introduce us to the equipment and show us some techniques. It was soon after that my brother hooked into the first fish of the day and his first fish on a fly ever! A huge, strong wild rainbow had his drag screaming and a great big grin on his face. There’s nothing like that moment for a newbie.
We caught some more rainbows (and of course missed a few) when Jack started up lunch for us- a delicious Chilean stew! I have been on a couple trips before, but this was by far, the best lunch I have had on the river.
After lunch we continued fighting some monster trout. I live in MA and most of the trout I catch are stocked and in the 12-17″ range and the fish we were catching were wild and in the 20″ range…and man could they fight!
After a great day on the river, we loaded up the boat and talked about the day over a cold drink that Jack provided. It’s his great attention to detail that sets Jack apart from other guides.
An awesome experience and an awesome guide!

That day was like magic, the trout were really biting every where. I would like to thank Sean and Brian for coming up and fishing with me. Have a great year! jt
The Bureau Of Rec has been running the Lower Sac at around 5000 CFS, which is low. There’s a lot of water this year behind that dam, this will be a great year folks.
Another great trout, thank you Lower Sac!
A little further down river and another trout, wow, this river is on fire again.
Time for lunch!
What’s wrong, Too many vegetables Beef?
After lunch we hooked some more trout.
Yawsa! That’s a great hook up there, Some of the best trout porn I’ve seen in ages.
My client Brian came over to see if he could catch a few nice trout in the Lower Sac with me and Beef Dog.
This trout kind of matches the paint job on my boat, go figure? Coincidence or could it be some trout cult following in colorful dress?
As gold as the Sierra Nevadas folks.
Loves that H2O, probably wondering WTF just happened? He’s off to the races now, probably has a lot of girl friends sporting those colors.
Always liked all the great trips I’ve had with Brian Von Tress on the Lower Sac. Now we get ready to do some trips on the Upper sac in my raft.
After lunch Brian decided to out in front of where I was cooking and he hooked into a lunker that took him all over the place, he finally got loose but not after a heart wrenching fight.
Beef cleared the pot at the end of the meal and Brian continued to fight his battle.
After lunch more and bigger trout –
I just did my 3rd trip with Jack today, and we always catch a lot of fish, but today was incredible. We fished the Lower Sacramento. There were lots of boats out but none catching fish like us. I caught probably 8-10 big fish. It definitely had nothing to do with me. I’m a very green beginner. Jack has grown up and fished professionally all the rivers in Northern Ca. Jack just knows where the fish are and how to get you fish. He also has great equipment. If you want to catch fish, Jack Trout is your guide.
Cameron Lundberg previously of Eugene, Oregon came up with his group of friends he brought from work to introduce them to fly fishing so he would have some buddies to fish with now that he lives out here in Northern California. With a little help from Forrest and me, we made things happen and I think the Lower Sac won them over in the end folks.
Numerous hook-ups and catches on both boats, it was day to remember.
Cameron hooked a lunker early on and had a new respect for fly fishing in California.
Made in California, nice trout Cameron and welcome to our state, we are proud to have you fish here anytime you want bud, the trout will be waiting for you.
Then Forrest and Patrick with two more.
A little further down river, Cameron with another trout….
Hey what a great day we are having and the everyone was happy about the weather, the fishing, the Lower Sac.
Then after lunch Jimmy switched boats and caught this nice trout on a mayfly nymph.
Jim with another hook-up soon after that and Forrest was having a heck of a guide day.
Went out with Jack and his partner Forrest. They were awesome!! We caught 20+ fish and had a great day on the Lower Sacramento. They are a laid back crew and seemingly effortlessly make the trip go smoothly.Highlights:-Jack’s Chilean lunch was incredibly tasty.
-Caught a couple 20 inch rainbows
-Forrest makes damn sure you hit every hole on the river and doubles back several times if you find a good hole.
The river is low right now, this makes the fish easier to access due to levels and of course spring fishing the trout are larger this time of year.
Reviewed 1 week ago
Hired a guide through Jack Trout and had a great time fishing near Puerto Varas in Southern Chile. It was my father’s first time in Chile and first time back using a fly rod in a long time. Our guide Mattias was great. We did a full day, basically sun up to sun down, caught a lot of fish and saw many more in the river. Not another person on the river or its banks all day. I thought lunch would be a piece of bread and sandwich meat, but Mattias in true Chilean form put together an asado and bottle of wine. Overall a great day and can’t wait to get back for another trip. Thanks Jack.
It’s that time of year again! Time to raft the different sections of the Upper Sac river for nice trout and wonderful scenery.
Right off the bat big fish on with my good client Don Jones. After a big fight it got away near the boat. That was a good sign for what was to come .
We hooked trout all day long, it was a wonderful trip back on the Upper Sac to some of the fondest places I guide on earth.
Catch ya later trout!
It was so great to be back home, to be back on my home river and out again with Beef and a client on the Upper Sacramento River.
Perfect floats, just waiting for you and me.
Not just for anyone, you have to know all the rapids, you could really get into trouble if you don’t know the river and the rapids. I always say, “If you don’t know the names of the rapids, don’t do it.” I am a 20 year expert, class 4 certified rafting guide on the Upper Sac. Best to have me float you first, then you determine if you could do it on your own.
Fish on near the old Hwy 99 road, what a classic.
Love this section of river, I hope to float it with you.
Wild horse Upper Sac, in 2006 when we had some 2000 + fires in California, many ranchers were forced to just let their livestock run free, this horse has lived out here and I have seen her/him every year since. seems to be doing well, I see her/him in this area annually.

Let us guide you on Pyramid Lake For Huge Lahotan Cutthroat Trout. Our guide lives in Reno ad knows the area well.
$375 for one or two anglers. Call us at 530-926-4540

Big cutties are waiting for you at Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Very easy to fly into Reno Nevada (RNO) and we can set up all your lodging and guiding while you’re there.

Could be the biggest trout you’ve ever had on a fly line.

From sun up to sun down, we got you covered on Pyramid Lake Guiding. info@jacktrout.com
Jack Trout Fly Fishing International – “It’s the experience that counts!”
Call me this spring to float the Upper Sac through a wonderful scenic canyon with unsurpassed trout fishing opportunities.
Thanks for watching, Jack & Carola Trout

Jitters over a federal investigation of Westlands Water District bled over into the proposed delta tunnel project Thursday as a bond rating agency placed a negative watch on a $29.8-million bond helping to fund the controversial water diversion plan.
Fitch Ratings took that cautious step back because Westlands is the sole guarantor of a 2013 bond issued by the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, which operates significant portions of the federal water project in the western San Joaquin Valley.
Westlands is one of 29 members of that authority, which controls more than 3 million acre-feet of water in the western San Joaquin Valley and in San Benito and Santa Clara counties.
“They were issued with 100% Westlands backing,” Fitch analyst Teri Wenck said of the water authority bonds. The rating firm has made clear that any change in the financial evaluation of Westlands would affect the rating of bonds issued by the water authority, she added.
The move comes a day after Westlands reached a $125,000 settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over accounting procedures that the SEC said exaggerated the district’s ability to cover its annual debt payments. The district altered its revenue ledgers to meet a threshold for a high bond rating so it would not have to raise rates for some of the wealthiest growers in the state, regulators said.
Westland’s general manager, Thomas W. Birmingham, joked during a 2010 board meeting that the adjustments amounted to “a little Enron accounting,” a reference to the massive fraud that caused the 2001 collapse of that Houston energy and commodities company, according to the SEC.
The penalty was the largest to be levied by the SEC against a municipal bond agency. Birmingham was assessed a separate $50,000 civil penalty, and the district’s former treasurer, L. David Ciapponi, received a $20,000 fine.
But it may cost Westlands much more. Fitch’s negative watch extends to six other Westland bonds amounting to $193.6 million, plus the $29.8-million bond for the tunnel project.
If Fitch takes further action to downgrade the bonds’ underlying AA ratings, it could affect the district’s cost of borrowing as well as the market for the bonds.
The authority and its members have been fighting delta water restrictions aimed at protecting the state’s fisheries, and have pushed for diversion tunnels that would shunt Sacramento River water around the ecologically fragile estuary system.
Critics of the tunnel project don’t believe that growers will be able to shoulder the cost, an argument they say has been bolstered by Westland’s questionable accounting practices.
Westland spokesman Johnny Amaral said the district would have no public comment until it consulted with its bond advisor. An officials for the water authority did not return calls for comment Thursday. On Wednesday, a district statement said the accounting procedures at issue were approved by an independent auditor.
“Westlands, Birmingham and Ciapponi determined that entering into the settlement to fully resolve the matter was in the district’s best interest,” the statement said.
At issue was a “debt service coverage ratio,” a measure of the district’s ability to collect enough revenue to meet or exceed its annual debt obligations. Because of the district’s “extraordinary accounting procedures,” that figure was 10 times higher than it would have been using conventional accounting procedures, the SEC said.
That calculation obscured expenses incurred because of water cutbacks prompted by the state’s drought and allowed the district to avoid raising rates for its clients, which include some of the biggest agricultural companies in the state, according to regulators. Westland received only 10% of its contracted allotment from the Central Valley Project in 2009, and 45% in 2010.
A public agency governed by landowners within its borders, Westlands had operating revenue of more than $120 million in 2014. It contracts with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for taxpayer-subsidized irrigation supplies, which it sells to growers.

Subject: [env-trinity] Chronicle: Deal set to raze 4 dams on Klamath
Date: April 6, 2016 at 6:24:43 AM PDT