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Author Dianne Harman, came to Chile with her husband former Senator Tom Harman, the plan was for her to tour and pal around with Carola, while I was on a Congressional Mission to entertain the Senator in the likes of some fishing trips planned on both sides of the Andes Mountain Range. We are still the only outfitters in the fly fishing industry that offer a 10 trip from Chile over the Andes into Argentina and proud of it. Dianne right now has the number one sports fishing book in the United States on Amazon for over 10 weeks, Murder In Cuba has been a number one best selling book. Carola is the star in this short read and helps prove in the book that I am not the murderer. Though I don’t want to give away any clues as you might say, It’s always good to have a supportive spouse who has your back. Dianne is working on a sequel and her endeavors now brings her down to Chile for part II. Tom Harman, just likes taking it easy and catching a few fish along the way. Being that they have been married for over 50 years, they are a great example of a power couple and are like mom and dad to me and Carola. We love them! Muder In Cuba – Dianne Harman
- #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Outdoors & Nature > Hunting & Fishing > Fishing
This is absolutely my favorite Chilean cultural cuisine called Curanto. It’s made of oysters, smoked ribs, German sausages, chicken and these kind of flat dumplings called chapaleles. This dish first originated in the Isla de Chiloe and has spread throughout parts of Chile as solid cultural meal. If you go to Chile you must try this wonderful dish, but bring a friend though, you’ll need the help!
Carola had the black abalone which is wonderful too and affordable, as each plate cost between $7 to $10 dollars with our high dollar exchange rate now. In the Northern Hemisphere we have Red Abalone, down in the south, they have blacks abs.
If you go to Puerto Montt, we suggest eating at Angelmo near the harbor, eat at restaurant #8 upstairs, they have the Jack Trout Sticker on their window for a reason. 🙂
[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/158889691[/vimeo] Tom Harman, catching trout on the Rio Chimehuin with our guide from Argentina Esteban. If you plan on taking a trip to Chile or Argentina give us a call you won’t pay than you would with any other outfitter and chances are you’ll pay less as we charge $4500 per person for the 10 day trip which is way less than the industry standard.
We caught every fish in Argentina on dry flies and droppers. But 90% were caught on dries.
The rivers are low in Argentina, but that made the dry fly fishing all the better as Tom Landed another trout.
Former Senator Tom Harman, will be remembered for his strong environmental stands when he left office. He enjoyed his trips in Argentina as he cares about rivers and streams where ever he lives or fishes.
Way to go Tom!
A few more yards down the river, another take on his dry fly.
It was fun that day as trout were eating our bugs in no more than 2 inches of water.
Nicely done Sir! That day we landed over 20 trout each and enjoyed everything about that day with little or no wind.
The next day we headed for one of the most beautiful dry fly lakes in the world, Lago Filo Hum Huam. (Pronounced – Feelow Wha-oom)
I hooked a trout and it got off, then the Senator, landed a nice trout that fought him hard.
Another beauty caught on a Fat Albert… Hey Hey Hey! –
The scenes were priceless and we soon began to hear Red Stag (European Elk Introduced in the 1800’s) bugling off in the
distance as the rutting season is now on the rise in Argentina.
Esteban and I set up the lunch for Tom on this perfect sunny day in Argentina.

Our client enjoyed his day we set up on the Upper Yuba wading.
<Click here the Upper & Lower Yuba Page
We guide the Lower Yuba for steelhead also by driftboat & jet.
Our baby the Chailyn I, I love this boat for more reasons than one.
We like to thank: Kristin Stroud and her family of 6 for their trip they booked to Cuba in July. Jim Chadwick, Dick Gebhart and Jason & Jo Randall too, we’ll have fun Cuba this June & July.
You shine you crazy diamond, look at the colors on this Loch Leven Brown Trout from England.
I’m sure this trout has a lot of friends.
Lunchtime is always good around these parts with two college kids from Oregon State University. Sierra and Ben are here studying for a few months in Chile on an internship, then they’ll return back home.
Then after lunch, Ben hooked this Sea Run Brown on my Tie-Dye Crayfish pattern I tie up.
Back home to the Upper Sac and the raft fly fishing adventures begin.
We look forward to seeing old friends and new clients, as well all the great places we love to fly fish in and around Mount Shasta, California.
Do some wading, like always!
Land some beauties and access the best waters on the Upper Sacramento River.
See some great kids land some Lower Sac Trout, out of Redding California on down to Red Bluff and beyond.
Maybe make some records like Danny Gebhart did this past November when just before dark he landed this 10 lb hog on the Lower Sacramnto River. I’ve never seen anything bigger.
Just a nice lunker landed is what I’m talkin about.
We could guide you on the Pit River in all three sections Hat Creek & Baum Lake.
Do a little wading and get you to the good water.
Our guide lives over there, so we got you dialed.
Thanks for watching folks! Jack & Carola Trout
Jack & Carola Trout 1872.
Jack & Carola Trout at the Shasta Historical Society Gathering at the Shasta Museum in Shasta, California. (Not Mt Shasta.)
Look Below You Can See Us In The Picture From Baird, California In 1872 the McCloud Hatchery. (Where Shasta Lake is now.)