Come one Come all to the best little mountain towns in California!
McCloud ~ Dunsmuir ~ Mount Shasta are the places
to be now!
Upper Sacramento River still on fire!
Steelhead sign-ups for October & November start now!
What a nice summer we are having in the Mount Shasta area. Day time temps nearly perfect and little wind making this a special summer by anyones standards. We hope you plan a visit to our area before this weather changes. Have a great rest of the summer folks, otherwise we’ll see you in the fall!
Many Rivers to You, Jack & Carola Trout
Mike Ward California Outdoor & Sporting Legend
fished with me this past week!
Enjoy this video!
Brother Dan Ward showing off a catch on a very productive day on the Upper Sacramento River.
Mike Ward ~ In his element!
This guy has hiked, fished and enjoyed many years in
the outdoors with family and friends. His wealth of
knowledge and prowess as well as reputation in the
outdoors makes him a California Legend and my,
Young Conner Ward heading in the right direction. Way to go!
That day things started out slow then around noon, the bite was really on. Many trout were strong and spunky as they fought hard and gave us all a reason to cheer and applaud!
Like Father ~ Like son…. I think the kids got the fly
fishing bug! Catch it Conner!!
Ladies & Gentlemen, it’s Dave from Mill Valley!
Ah a genuine beauty my friends!
Nice hook-up John and thanks again for coming up
with Dave.
I would fish in the “M” area if it was me… Ya think?
Catching all these trout are fun but I sure am
looking forward to all those big steelhead this fall.
Enjoy this fun video!
Yowsa! Nice fish John! Caught on a size 18 Micro
Mayfly a perfect mid – summer fly to try.
Then the bite turned on folks and we were all grins
and smiles..
Way to go Dave, thanks for coming up and saying hey!
Call me for the fall stuff we talked about and thanks so much for that great wine for my
birthday ! Muchly appreciated ~ Trout
TomHawk aka Fish Magnet as he reels in another
Nice form my friend.
The little guy with his first trout on a fly rod.
A trout like this caught at a young age can head a
youngster in the right direction guaranteed. It’s
our roots, it’s the fiber of what we are made of. The
great outdoors, it’s yours and mine.
Then the Kraus Fam came out from Texas for a nice
California float down the river.
Paul & Steven ~ Ready for Action!
Right off, Paul hooks up and the crowds cheer..
Picture perfect on a nice sunny day.
Sharon on her first time out fly fishing hooked into a
really nice trout!
Wow! That is huge! That’s why I like this sport
anyone can come out on their first day fly
fishing and possible catch a trout like this.
Racing Stripes if you ask me!
Keeping the tip high is a sure way to landing your
Thanks again Steven Kraus fam for visiting the Mount
Shasta area, we appreciate you
choosing our neck of the woods.
(Sorry for lens fog, need to change my wipers.)
United We Stand, United We Fish!
It’s the Mohr Family Shasta Vacation Extravagenza!
Out fly fishing with mom, what could be better!
Nice hook-up, I can help you with that.. This sport
brings enjoyment to all!
Kevin with his first trout on a dry fly, that’s always the
Look at her go, I think we have a angler for life. The water is so perfect down below
Dunsmuir, it’s a great time of year to get into the river and fish with with the parents and the
family guide.
Classic folks, just classic!
I really liked this fam, especially the kids who were
asked if they could go any where they wanted
including; Disneyland, Hawaii or Mount Shasta area
(Obviously of the highest intelligence and overall great kids.)
Mohr Fam ~ Thanks for picking our little slice of apple pie, we love it here too!
Rick is back with his son Jimmy for another fly
fishing adventure! Last year we had terrific fishing on
Hat Creek, so we agreed the Upper Sacramento fly
fishing float trip was the way to go!
Boris the Spider! …. Boris the Spider….!
Go Rick Go! This trout was ripping off line and
running all over the place. It was a real hoot!
Many places I would just use my claw clamp and
hook-up to willows so Rick could fish the riffles.
Often met with success we use small flies and always
catch and release. If you need a meal, eat in
Dunsmuir, McCloud or Mount Shasta. You’ll be
helping our local economy and I promise everytime
you come up, you’ll catch bigger and bigger trout!
Favorite Client Places: As mentioned the next day
out on the river (Upscale)
1. Maddelena’s ~Dunsmuir
2. Trinity Cafe ~ Mount Shasta
3. Mike & Tony’s ~ Mount Shasta
Family Favorites ~
1. Black Bear Diner ~ Mount Shasta
2. McCloud Soda Shoppe ~ McCloud
3. Burger Barn ~ Dunsmuir
Ah the happy camper, they always return…
Rick you’re embarking on a personal record day!
Jimmy, way to go mate! Thanks for coming up with
pops and catching all those great trout. Right after
their trip I had another trip with the San Francisco
Chronicle on another river adventure. Thanks again
Rick and Jimmy for a great day, see you next year with
Carola or possible this fall for a little steelhead action.
I’ll bring the magnets!
Tom Stienstra San Francisco Chronicle Article
CHILE 2011 Looks to be a great season November 15th
See you this season in Patagonia & Lake District Chile
Where double hook-ups are fairly common!
Where we won’t see another soul all day and the trout
line up and salute the gracious Ande Mountains.
The place where all my outfitting and guiding dreams
came true as I head into my 17 season outfitting in Chile.
The country where I met my wife and future business partner
on a Valentines night in a town that was changed
forever by the Volcano Chaiten that hadn’t erutpted
for 9000 years, until it took our home. Since then we have started
over in a even better area of Chile.
Now together with Carola we have this wonderful
business, that she owns in Chile
and I own in the United States. Now that’s a
marriage folks, I think we make a great team! Always doing
good by you whether it’s lodging, fly fishing or
gourmet meals, 2011 Chile season will be a great one.
If you haven’t got it already, picked up the Fodor’s Travel Book on Chile 2010
I wrote the fly fishing section.
Saludos de Chile, Jack & Carola Trout

For those about to do Chile in 2011 ~ We salute you!

I just feel like the luckiest guy in the world, Team Trout is always getting better and in 2011
~ Look out! Guiding, outfitting, unbelieveable meals and lodging.
(Just something we love to do together!)
Chile will be off the charts this year as we have booked dates already in all months we’re
November through April 2011. I might mention March and January dates are filling up so
call me when you can with a date folks.
Many Rivers to You, Jack & Carola Trout
California Office (May through November)
1004 S. Mount Shasta Blvd Mount Shasta, California 96067
Chile Office & B & B Rio San Pedro (November through April)
Los Allevanos T39 Km 4 Los Lagos, Chile Region 9
Cell Chile 56-9-94671995
Cool. I’m thinking Sunday the 5th. I’ll drive up on Saturday and spend the night somewhere. Any river fine as long as it has fish. I usually fish Steelhead on the Trinity so the Sac might be a nice change of scenery. Do you have a good place you recommend we stay? My wife’s B-Day is Thursday the 2nd so we may have the wives come up with us and her father and I will fish Sunday and we’ll do dinner together as a family for my wife on Sat night so I’d possibly need 2 rooms.
Thanks Bryan
Hi Jack. We received a response to our inquiry regarding the I 130 petition at the CA service center. As you found out recently, the I 130 was received on 7/20/10 and is within the normal processing timeframe. The CA Service Center is currently processing cases 5 months from the date received. Rest assured that although you are in the beginning of this process, that you are within the average processing timeframe. If for some reason you do not receive an update or notice of action after 5 months, please feel free to contact our office again.
Thank you for contacting our office and allowing us to assist you and your wife.
Leslie Schuessler
Sr. Caseworker
Congressman Wally Herger, CA-02
2635 Forest Avenue, Suite 100
Chico, CA 95928
Hola Jack y Carola
primero que todo, quería saber como están y dónde?
Segundo una consulta ¿cuando comienza la temporada de pesca y cuando termina será noviembre 2010 mayo 2011?, perdón la ignorancia.
Tercero me gustaría que continuaramos trabajando en conjunto, entonces quisiera saber si la información de más abajo corre todavía:
“Servicios : Servicios de pesca de orilla y pesca de navegación.
Clases de pesca a niños y principiantes.
Horarios : Avisar mínimo con 24 horas de anticipación.
Valores : $ 150.000 Incluye: Guía Bilingüe, Transfer In – Out, Box Lunch, Bote para dos personas y guía.
Otras actividades contactar.
Contacto : Jack o Carola F: 946719954.- ”
Thanks Jack.
By the way, when I made the itinerary, all I did was remove the last day of your original itinerary to get from six to five days of fishing in Chile. I think the Rio Trancura trip got dropped. But if it makes more sense to go there rather than Rio Maullin on the last day, or to stay in a different location the last night, it’s perfectly fine with me. I’ll be new to Chile and all of these rivers, so I’ll take whatever route or order you suggest over the five days. I’m looking very forward to getting away from work and just being on the water.
Take Care,
I’d like to book a guide for either the 21st or the 22nd of September for one person (me) on the Upper Sac or McCloud, whichever is fishing best at that time. Please let me know if those dates are okay. Thanks, Jim
Very nice and good blog. can you pease send me the name of the touist eco farm. will be in chile next year and would like to check it out and maby stay there.
thx and have a great day!
Beryl from Germany
Thanks for the day! Spectacular views and about as relaxing and enjoyable way to spend a day as I can think of. I could’ve waded in the river throwing flies around, enjoying the sights and sounds, and not had a bite and still enjoyed it. We had a great time, Kevin’s asking where we can fish on the weekends so I think you got at least one hooked! Do you send the pictures you took via internet or CD or something? I’d love to see them.
Thanks again,
Asked a fishing friend about you and he said “you couldn’t ask for a better name if you were in the fishing business than Jack Trout. ”
Somehow you must have graduated from Washington High School in the fifties if you have my email address. Best wishes to you. Julie Bramkamp
Good morning Jack!
Hope you are doing well! I received the gift certificate yesterday and it looks great! I can’t wait to give it to Don for his birthday, he is going to LOVE it!
I would like to send you some wine as a thank you. Do you have an address that someone 21 or older will be available to sign for the package when it arrives?
Jack, if you get a cancellation on the 27th or 28th, let us know, and we’ll jump on it. Thanks. Jim
hey I’m following up with you from our chat at the goat a few night ago. About Chile and getting maybe a little info on fishing and who me may need to chat with while down there. And maybe that inside line on those LAN Chile flights.
This all sounds great! We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
We are staying at
gilden lodge
tel: 530-926-1293
I am interested in your guide services for fly fishing (and release)
for Saturday, August 21.
What streams are available for a float trip? If not a float, a not too
tough hike to the water.
I am 71 and still somewhat mobile; no longer good wadding in big fast
water. I will be staying in Mt. Shasta the nights of August 20 and 21.
What do you suggest?
Got your voicemail Jack, thank you!
Sounds like a blast up there. I’ll see if maybe I can sneak away one of these days to come see you. Give me another call or just confirm the plan for us out of Chacabucco since you pretty much know the drill for people on cruise ships. Also, let me know what I absolutely need to bring or if you’ll have everything since I’m packing light as I can in addition to the cruise requirements I have for formal wear…
I got your phone message and want to thank you for the two days on the Upper Sac. I’ve wanted to float that for several years and I finally did it. I will come back…
I’m on your e-mail list as I do receive your blog. If you can send me Rob Browns photos as well I will send them to him with a copy to you so that you will then have his e-mail as well.
I leave tomorrow for Alaska and the Goodnews River Lodge on the Alaskan peninsula….silver salmon on top and leopard rainbows in the upper river!! It should be a great trip and I’ll send you some photos when Paul and I return.
Thanks & best regards,
John Wilhelm
Jack, I spoke to you yesterday about fishing on the weekend of either the 21st or 28th, for which you are booked. Regrettably, my fishing buddy (another Jim) is out of pocket for the weekdays that you have open in August. We will continue to try to book with you and look forward one day to the chance to fish with you. Good fishing in the meantime. Jim
Would like to inquire about availability of your float trip on the upper/middle Klamath. It would be two persons. We are beginner fly fisherman with 4-6 weight rods at our heaviest. I grabbed your flyer on a recent work trip to Mt. Shasta at the Treehouse inn. Thank you for your time
Dear Jack Trout –
I’m staying at the Mt. Shasta Resort for a few days next week and have some time on Wednesday (8/11) to fish. I’ll have my wife and 22 mo old baby girl with me. Do you have a guide available Wednesday afternoon/evening? Is there a spot on the river where I can drag my wife and baby so they can sit on the bank and enjoy the river while I fish? Let me know? I’m pretty well equipped, though would look to your recommendation on recommended rod length and weight.
I look fwd to hearing from you.
Kind Regards.
Bill Valentine
you would be happy to know – nestle tried to come into 10 of our business’ to provide water service and I proudly told them that we cannot support Nestle products because of what they are doing to our streams….. I know it wasn’t much but atleast we did our part to tell them to go pound sand…..
Randy C
Jack — Really enjoye our trip 7/27 with my brother and his son. Need an address to ship you some wine as promised. Mike Ward
Sr. Caseworker
Congressman Wally Herger, CA-02
2635 Forest Avenue, Suite 100
Chico, CA 95928
Segundo una consulta ¿cuando comienza la temporada de pesca y cuando termina será noviembre 2010 mayo 2011?, perdón la ignorancia.
Tercero me gustaría que continuaramos trabajando en conjunto, entonces quisiera saber si la información de más abajo corre todavía:
Very nice and good blog. can you pease send me the name of the touist eco farm. will be in chile next year and would like to check it out and maby stay there.
thx and have a great day!
Thanks for the day! Spectacular views and about as relaxing and enjoyable way to spend a day as I can think of. I could’ve waded in the river throwing flies around, enjoying the sights and sounds, and not had a bite and still enjoyed it. We had a great time, Kevin’s asking where we can fish on the weekends so I think you got at least one hooked! Do you send the pictures you took via internet or CD or something? I’d love to see them.
Thanks again,
hey I’m following up with you from our chat at the goat a few night ago. About Chile and getting maybe a little info on fishing and who me may need to chat with while down there. And maybe that inside line on those LAN Chile flights.
gilden lodge
tel: 530-926-1293
for Saturday, August 21.
tough hike to the water.
water. I will be staying in Mt. Shasta the nights of August 20 and 21.
I got your phone message and want to thank you for the two days on the Upper Sac. I’ve wanted to float that for several years and I finally did it. I will come back…
I’m on your e-mail list as I do receive your blog. If you can send me Rob Browns photos as well I will send them to him with a copy to you so that you will then have his e-mail as well.
I leave tomorrow for Alaska and the Goodnews River Lodge on the Alaskan peninsula….silver salmon on top and leopard rainbows in the upper river!! It should be a great trip and I’ll send you some photos when Paul and I return.
Thanks & best regards,
John Wilhelm