Fall is here! Upper Sac ~ McCloud ~ Pit ~ Hat Creek ~ Klamath ~
Trinity ~ Are all waiting here for you!
Isn’t it amazing how green it is this year! It’s September and I’m still not seeing fall colors out in the forest? This was certainly the longest Spring ~ Summer I’ve ever seen.
Hope to see you up in our neck of the woods later on this month or October.
Jack & Carola Trout
Water from the peaks of Mount Shasta makes it down the mighty Upper Sacramento River on it’s journey to feed our hungry state of California.
Fishermen come from all over the United States to fish and enjoy one of the greatest trout rivers in America.
The trout are healthy and hard fighting, ready to do battle against your best fly rod & reel.
The views are breathtaking and as we head into the fall months the fishing gets better and better!
Out of my boat, a fine catch indeed Ron!
Wading levels are perfect for all North State Rivers, especially if you bring a dog along!
Terry, That’s a fine trout my man, especially when the boss catches trout a little bigger…
(Very wise, I think he’s inline for that raise…)
Ah, the grass is always greener philosophy, I get it now.. Look off into the distance the famous “Tunnel of Death!”
Terry having a great day using a E.C. Caddis with a PT dropper. Folks this is the way to go now that water levels have
dropped and hatches are starting to appear larger as we head into fall. I sometimes use 2 dropper flies below my dry fly
just to stir more controversy. Inquiring minds want to know!
When EF Hutton…People listen.
Who’s dog is that in my raft? Sure is well behaved.
Jerry Moison is one of my best clients, he fishes with me at least 4 times a season and brings many of his friends and family along to enjoy the art of fly fishing. This time he brought his daughter’s boyfriend Eric along because in the Moison family, if you don’t know fly fishing, you aren’t in the “Circle of Trust.” Jerry takes his fishing very serious especially when you’re dating his daughter….
“Now Eric, when you hook the fish hold your rod high and keep the hook set firm in the trout’s lip.“
And don’t have my daughter out past 12 mightnight, and she likes 2 dozen roses.
Another trout Eric, looks like you’re still a little outside… but getting closer.
After working with Eric for a little while, Eric, landed this 20″ beauty on a size 20 midge!!
“Hey Pops look at what I landed, by the way I love your daughter!”
Not a Jack Trout 20″ either, it was measured and verified 20 inches.
(Ah shucks, guides always tell the truth!)
“Welcome to the family son!” “I knew you could do it, I’m a great judge of character and I can spot great talent in a
double haul cast!” “Maybe I’ll be replacing Piers Morgan.”
Thanks again Jerry & Eric for coming and fishing with me. JT
I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time floating the river this last weekend with you. Thanks for the great hot lunches, really quick gear setups after i knot up and thanks for helping me catch all those fishies!
If i dont see you before you leave, have a great time in Chile and I hope the best for you and Carola!
Thanks again,
Eric Gunderson
Another totally satisfied customer!
Jerry Moison ~ “I’m haunted by rivers that have become my life’s journey!”
Jim Wright ~ Ladies & Gentlmen!
Ok, who is this dog! Well his name is Koby Beef and I rescued him from being sent to the dog pound. He can hang out with me until I leave for Chile in November, then maybe one of you out there could help me out until next April?
I’d be willing to trade guide trips, but the dog needs outdoors and to have a purpose in life. We all need to have a passion for something. I know you are probably wondering, “Why the heck would you take the dog if you’re going to leave in November for Chile?” Because I didn’t want to see the dog end up in the dog jail. So I think I can figure this one out with a little help from the audience and I do have to admit this dog is wonderful out in the boat. No complaints at all!
This is a time where everyone should step up to the plate (if possible) and help someone else out. The change in the demeanor of this dog since he starting coming out in the boat is amazing, it has realized a purpose and seems happy especially since it walks and runs now without its tail between its legs. I said I wouldn’t and I couldn’t replace Shasta Trout, my loyal fly fishing guide dog from 1994 to 2005 unless another dog just appeared and Koby appeared.
Maybe one of my brothers could help me out Pete or Tim, it’s only for 5 months…(That’s a longtime, but it’s a good dog that sticks around)
Thanks for anything you do for animals, Carola and I and plan to give vaccinations to many dogs and cats this year in Chile!! It only cost $6 per dog and we go around like the Pied Pipers giving injections and feeding the homeless. When we return and see the animals doing better, that’s such a great feeling. Next time you’re in 3rd world country ask around for a Vet clinic or a feed store and vaccinate animals. You might just change the thinking in a comminity and it’s a great thing to do on a holiday vacation. We call it Vacation ~ Vaccinations! In our town of Los Lagos, Chile every dog occupies a street corner desperate for anything good… Good always prevails, at least in my world… Love, Jack & Carola
I brett you favre dollars there’s a trout inside of that current!
Jim’s happy, the dog’s happy just to be outside..Life is good!
Jim nice trout that seems to be overweight and in need of a better personal trainer… Nice picture except for the garden hose hanging from the Union Pacific trestle.
Someday, we’ll have to call them and see why that is hanging down, it doesn’t seem right.
“I’d just like to say hello to all my friends & fans back in Mill Valley.”
Fish on brother!
Another great trout up from Shasta Lake, They sure are big this year!
Jimmy Wright with a powerful grab folks!
I see the light now, what a fantastic time I had with 2 fun guys out in their element. Thanks for changing your schedules
and making this dream come true. That was one fantastic day of fly fishing. jt
Slumber Puppy, wants to always sleep in the raft!
You know as I float these great waters of the Upper Sacramento River, I can’t help to think about how perfect the river’s habitat would be if only the salmon and steelhead could get into the river again like they did 60 years ago. The bottom 5 miles from Dog Creek to Shasta Lake is amazing that some places are so shallow and then it drops off to 20 feet deep and walking speed water. This is the kind of water that I see over in the Trinity & Klamath Rivers, perfect salmon and steelhead habitat that they are now cut off from completely. It’s no wonder we have declining numbers of fish in all of our mainstem rivers throughout the state of California, the fish can’t get to where they use to 60 years ago. It’s sad for me to think about this while I float where no others do and see what no others see. We can all see though that the salmon and steelhead are declining in California in great numbers and there must be a reason for it. In part the Westlands Water District are to blame for the decling numbers of salmon and steelhead in the state of California. Please watch the videos below as it is your water too. You’re a Californian and you have a right to speak up and speak out for the future of California and our waters as well as our declining anadromous fisheries. (Fish returning from the ocean)
Now is the time to stand up and realize California salmon and steelhead are becoming extinct, we need to make changes now or lose them in the future forever.
Take the 20 minutes and watch both of these videos, California cannot be taken advantage any longer.
Bullies of Westland’s Water District part 1
Bullies of Westland’s Water District part 2
Hey Westlands and Tom Birmingham, didn’t mother teach you to treat others the way you wanted to treated!
Westland’s Water District ~ The Darth Vadar’s of California Rivers.
Tom Birmingham out for Sunday Stroll, back in the office on Monday.
Nice hook-up in some great looking water.
A great fish indeedy! But there’s that garden hose again in the background making the area look cheap.
Pure mountain water full of minerals and fish food.
A recipe that creates healthy trout again and again.
So after that we sit down enjoy a healthy meal out on the river.
Unique places to hook trout in amazing scenery.
What could be better than out with the wife and Pops too!
Fish on, just in time!
Sweet another hook-up is fine by me.
Use very small 18 & 20’s nymphs now on the river.
“Life is getting interesting now folks!” I’m just glad to be alive!”
The Family outting is a success! Thanks for coming to visit Mount Shasta, we appreciate it!
Oh that garden hose again, except I don’t think it’s carrying water…. Possible creosote a poison to fish, aquatic insects and the cuppling looks like it has leaked in the center… We’ll have to call Union Pacific on this.
During a rafting trip down the upper Sacramento River a few weeks ago, we became aware of a pipe that we understand allows creosote to flow for railroad maint. purposes hanging precariously across the upper Sacramento River. The pipe was hanging (I use the term hanging, as this pipe was not properly supported) at a Union Pacific crossing upstream of Lakehead and downstream of Vollmers.
In light of the chemical spill that occurred in the early 90’s that caused this section of one of North America’s premier fishing streams to become an environmental disaster, I urgently request that you investigate this pipe and respond to me ASAP as to the nature of the pipe, condition of the pipe support, and if found to be in need of repair, how and how soon repairs will be implemented. I am a Californian resident, devout environmentalist, and have no problem sending this to other resources.
Steve Perata
Director, Corporate Relations & Media
Union Pacific
10031 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 789-6019
My name is Jack Trout, I have been an outfitter and fishing guide on the Upper Sacramento River for 18 years, I do over 100 trips per year on the Upper Sacramento River this is my home office and the town of Mount Shasta, Dunsmuir and Lakehead exist because of this river.
I have weathered your storms and trains that have appeared from time to time in my office and I have led efforts in the past to have you clean up the litter from your tracks that are thrown from your employees, engineers on trains and metal and plastic from your property adjacent to the tracks that eventually falls into the Sacramento river. This is the start of a clean-up effort and a new program I am going to initiate through the media and over 4000 past clients to get you folks on the right track. You had been doing good for a few years, but lately the U.P. issued blue little water bottles are appearing again on the tracks and in the river. I also have seen with my clients last week employees throwing metal railroad tie clips over the bank towards the river until a foremen saw it and told them to place them in a pile. It seems to me that Union Pacific and their employees are not on the same page or track? Also I might mention last week when you blocked off Fender’s Ferry Road so you could do improvements to the your tracks, you never gave notice or put up any signs that you would be closing off a major road for more than 15 minutes at a time, this is against the law and poses serious safety issues for anyone up Fender’s Ferry Road that might of had a medical emergency those days…?
Recently, I have had many clients complain about this eye-sorer on my float trip from Fender’s Ferry Road to Shasta Lake (See attached picture) I might also add on occasion I have seen kids hanging from this tube and falling into the Upper Sacramento River as a kind of rope swing. It also looks like what ever you transporting in this tube has leaked? I want this tube immediately suspended to the base of your trestle as I think this tube carriers a toxic chemical to fish, insects, birds and potentially California’s water supply.
Please remove or have this changed immediately as you are being informed that this is a safety hazard and a potential chemical hazard for the river and folks downstream.
Please train and educate your employees that when they come into the SACRAMENTO CANYON, that they are being watched, videoed and photographed. It’s a privilege to run our canyon, respect it or face the rath of what small time fishing guide and some dedicated river lovers can do to a big bad rail road company.
Many Rivers to You, Jack Trout
4 days later the hose was completely removed, totally transforming the looks
of this area!

It shows what the public can do as individuals to clean up and look out for your forests and rivers.
I would like to thanks Steve Perata who is not only a client, but a concerned Bay Area sportsmen who helped me make a difference. I think it’s very important to not always rely on environmental organizations to look out for your best outdoor interest out in our forest and rivers. Save your tax deductable donations and write some letters yourself, the result will be more powerful as the message is direct and from the heart. We all have a vested interest in the future of Northen California and it’s waterways.
Thank you so much Union Pacific for taking out that big ugly green hose!
Jack Trout
Chile 2011 ~ Chile 2011 ~ Chile 2011 ~
Carola hooking up on the Rio Maullin last
Great rivers to discover in our winter!
Horse back riding in the Andes Mountains.
Private water floats & affordable lodging.
You’ll like our bed & breakfast!
Thanks for watching our adventures!
Jack & Carola Trout
Emails From You:
Hi Jack,
I received an email recently from Steve Perata discussing the tube that you reference here. After an inspection trip of the outlined area, the only thing our team observed that resembled what you describe was an old fiber optics conduit. It was sagging and we believe it is the tube you described. We spoke with the local fiber locator who cut and removed the conduit. Please let me know if you have any questions on that. I will be looking into the other issues you mentioned here. If you want to send me any photographs or video footage of your recordings, I would be happy to review it.
Director, Corporate Relations & Media
Union Pacific
10031 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 789-6019
on your web log. It is important to make all fisherman aware of what Westlands
is doing in demanding and getting more water from the Delta than is appropriate
and destroying the anadromous fish populations to the brink of extinction.
C Hamerstad
Hey Jack. Love your website! I really respect everything you do to protect and preserve the environment! Now about your dog…. I currently have a border collie named Zoe who is my fishing partner. Just wondering if Kobe would ever be up for perm. adoption? Zoe would love a friend and I think keeping Kobe for just a few months would create a whole lot of confusion for her. By the way, great job getting that hose removed. I’ve been fishing on the upper Sac. for 40 years now and always try to haul out trash left behind by idiots!
Thanks Jack!
hey jack….howard nestell here….i’ve fished with you several times….i’m the guy who owns the dog resorts in fresno….how can i help you with kobe beef while you’re gone?…let me know…howard
hey jack….howard nestell here….i’ve fished with you several times….i’m the guy who owns the dog resorts in fresno….how can i help you with kobe beef while you’re gone?…let me know…howard
Hi Jack, How are ya?
I contacted you quite a while ago about your rental in mount Shasta.
I’m still receiving your news letters, which are cool.
I also noticed that you have your place posted for rent again this year.
I might be interested.
So you’re not leaving until November 5th? Is that correct?
Zachary Clark
Hi Jack, How are ya?
I contacted you quite a while ago about your rental in mount Shasta.
I’m still receiving your news letters, which are cool.
I also noticed that you have your place posted for rent again this year.
I might be interested.
So you’re not leaving until November 5th? Is that correct?
Zachary Clark
Hey Jack-
Hey Jack-
I apologize for not having got back to you. Some schedule issues came up and I wasn’t able to get fishing on the calendar this last weekend. I did however pass through the area on the way to Portland and had a look at the water. It sure is a place I’d like to get to next season with you. Water looked pretty low for a boat though. What is the ideal time of year to come join you to float on the Upper Sac? What is the lowest water you would take us on?
Thanks, and look forward to trying again next year.
Also, it looks like I’ve been added to your blog mailing list. Thanks for including me.
JT, Bergen and I are all fired up!
Do you think that we hook up with a Steelhead on a fly? That is our dream.
With all due respect to Darryl, we want fly-fishing only. No wiggle warts…
Is the hotel in Happy Camp decent? No cockroaches?
Trying to figure out where to stay on Saturday night.
I am considering stretching a business trip to san jose for a couple of days to fish. What is up at that time of year? I am an east coaster, and fish mainly in PA and NY.
Please drop me a line.